The Piermaster's House, Liverpool

Had a fantastic few days in Liverpool!
What a place - so many sights to see and places to go!
No, this is not my washing hanging in my hotel room!
Even the garden was set out in "Dig for Victory" mode!

The Piermaster's House down at the Albert Dock was one of my favourite places.  It lay derelict for years but has now been restored to how it would have looked in the 1940s - complete with tape on the windows in case of air raids.  Its even free to get in!

Seemingly many of the surrounding houses were actually destroyed in the Blitz in 1941.

Of course I loved this!

If you are going to be visiting Liverpool, then hop over to the National Museums Liverpool Blog.  It is a great site for finding out what's going on in all of Liverpool's art galleries and museums.  It has lots of interesting information too!

Aw ... cute!

Wonderful to see all that vintage loveliness in its proper setting and not in antique or charity shops!  Although .......... I think I prefer my modern kitchen and appliances!

Love, Liz


What a wonderful post! There are so many things I would love to have BUT YES, it is nice to see them at home there... Thank you for sharing it.
Have a wonderful weekend,
That's exactly what I said to someone who was wishing they lived in the 40s...not as a housewife thanks very much! That place looks fantastic though, will have to send LandGirl1980 over for a look at your post.
Used-to-Bees said…
Might have to visit when we go up to see my sister-in-law - looks fascinating. The sewing machine is a work of art!
love the kitchen....don't think I want to cook in it on a daily basis though.
Rachael said…
Wow that places looks well worth a visit, especially if it's free. I love seeing vintage items in their original context or at least as replica of their context in places such as this. I guess it's why I love Beamish near Newcastle as much as I do!
Rose H (UK) said…
Fabulous! I can actually remember rooms like this when I was young when visiting elderly relatives - well, they seemed elderly they were probably only in their 40's!
Little Nell said…
That sewing machine! I could almost smell it. All old and oily. I would have loved to run my fingers over it. I love my ultra-modern machine, but these old ones are something else!
Vintage Sunday said…
Just amazing! Thank you for the tour and wonderful photos! Love Brenda
keshling said…
Yes! We are going to Liverpool in September and I will be making a bee-line for this place! Thanks for the heads-up!!!

K xx
Kylie said…
Hi Liz, love this post, wonderful pics as usual. I love places like this, places that leave wrinkles in the bed linen etc - as though people still lived in them...
I hope you are well, happy etc x
Trashsparkle said…
Lovely photos - great to see a hefty dose of authenticity in these rooms - but like others have said, we know we're better off now (in many, many ways. My grandma's kitchen had a table in the middle - real nostalgia trip! x
ted and bunny said…
oh Liz,
the kitchen looks just like mine here right now- especially with the "directoire" knickers drying in front of the range!

Never been to Liverpool- in fact I feel quite bad that there's lots of places within striking distance we've not been and really should.

Have a lovely weekend, and thankyou for all the kind comments you leave on my blog- apologies that I don't get back as often as I'd like to reply
Hi Liz! I feel like I've taken the tour with you! There is a feeling of awe seeing a place put together like this. Like the family still lives there somewhere. All it needs is the 40's music playing in the background.
Mum said…
Hi, I reached your blog whilst bloghopping. I really wanted to comment on you Bunty post but Blogger wouldn't let me. It brought back childhood memories. I was a Judy girl and would eagerly await Thursdays when it was delivered. Thank you for the chance to reminisce.
Love from Mum
blackenpot said…
Just love these photos, by it does take one back, I remember my nanna and her bloomers drying over the stove.
I have enjoyed reading.

Thank you.

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