Attention Citizen Housewives!

Found this great little book today - "The Citizen Housewives' Guide!.  At first I thought it might tell me how to be a better citizen, but actually it was published by Glasgow's Evening Citizen newspaper some time in the 1950s.

It is full of great illustrations -

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dietary advice - really think that it is brilliant that those of us with "big bones" are recognised and are not lumped together (if you'll excuse the expression) with those of the lesser boned variety!

and handy hints!

A brilliant wee book , but I'm not so sure about these party games!

"well spaced out" probably didn't mean the same then!

Love, Liz


Vintage Jane said…
Oh, I love these old books - the adverts are so non-PC. Your last comment is hilarious! M x
Mimi and Tilly said…
That looks like a corker of a book. The party games sound fab, how much carnage could you create at a party with the blindfolded women and men wielding chocolate?! Em xx
Scarlett said…
This is such a gem, i love reading old book like this. Scarlett x
Brilliant book, but I agree the potential for dubious goings on is large with those party games. Am tempted to make joke about bananas re: the soft fruit but will be mature and resist!
Little Nell said…
A truncheon? Send in Social Services!
Nelly said…
A lovley wee book indeed!
Hee hee - the first game doesn't appear to be much more than hitting each other!
♥ Miss Tea said…
I love vintage book! love the cover and illustrations inside as well as great tips :)

Danielle said…
This is so funny! If only life were still that simple. I'll have to remember these games at my next party...ha-ha! Great book : )

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