Music & An Enormous Turnip!

Found some wonderful Ladybird books to add to my collection.

The Story of Music has some wonderful illustrations - how sweet is this little drummer boy!

How can she hear the music on the radio if she is doing the hoovering and I think that coffee is getting cold!  Sit down Missus and put your feet up!

I remember reading the story of The Enormous Turnip to my boys when they were little.

Happy days!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
aahhh lovely there seems to be a few of us bloggers who collect these sweet books :-) dee x
Hello Liz:
We rather wish that we had collected these Ladybird books. They are, as you say, such fun and beautifully illustrated.
susan said…
Oh my goodness, you have just taken me back thirtysomething years. My darling departed, very disabled sister used to tell me that story of The Enormous Turnip, in the early mornings.
I miss her every day.
Vintage Jane said…
Oooh, what a lovely find. You know how much I love these! My little man used to love the Enormous Turnip, in fact he still does! M x
Elisabeth said…
Ahhhh ladybird books! I loved those! I still have quite a collection :)
Paulette said…
How I enjoy seeing these lovely illustrations in your books. Your comment about the lady vacuuming made me giggle. What a fun post!
Unknown said…
Great find! You post made me laugh, as it reminded me, I made my acting debut as the turnip which was pulled and pulled at primary school! x
Patricia said…
Oh they are brilliant Liz. I have just started collecting these old books and share them with my grandchildren.
Patricia x
I love the enormous turnip, the illustrations on Ladybird books are fab aren't they! :) x
Ladybird illustrations are fab aren't they?
Ruth Kelly said…
I've never heard of ladybird books but they look wonderful.
Miss Maple said…
I remember that story of the enormous turnip. We have that in Germany too. Love the table cloth under the books.
Curtise said…
Love old Ladybirds. I find them hard to resist if I stumble across them, especially the 1950-60s editions.
That vacuum cleaner and transistor radio remind me of my childhood! And you will be pleased to hear that my kids have still listened to and retold the story of the Enormous Turnip at school, in Reception as I recall. The old stories are the best! xxx
June said…
I remember reading this at my first school. MY absolute favourite was Snow White and Rose Red. Rapunzel was also another - Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair, So that I might climb your golden stair. Fond memories!
Tweed Thoughts said…
Ah yes, we had the Enormous Turnip in our house too - I read it to my oldest boy, he loved it :) :) Lovely books - the old ones are the best!
Plain Jane said…
I think my mum still has one of those vacuums somewhere - it's a lovely seventies orange! I've got some of these books myself - they are getting harder to find but sum up that era beautifully x
I loved the enormous turnip!! Ladybird books are wonderful aren't they? I think they all sat down at the end to eat the turnip, I thought that sounded delicious as a child. Not so sure now!
Diane said…
Fabulous. We used to have the enormous turnip too. xx
Elizabeth said…
I think Ladybird books were/are outstanding for price, simpliciy and excellent content.
My children loved them.
In the US they have "Little Golden Books" which were a bit twee and sentimental.

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