Reply to an Invitation - Burns Style

Its the Bard's birthday - Robert Burns was born on this day in 1759.  Many Scots, all over the world, traditionally celebrate tonight by attending a Burns Supper.  As usual they will eat haggis, drink whisky and listen to poetry written by Burns.

Although I'm a Scot, living in Scotland, I usually avoid these because I actually don't like either haggis or whisky!  (If this ends up being my last blog post, then you'll know that these remarks have been taken as the spouting of treason and I'm incarcerated in Edinburgh Castle dungeon - if it has one!)

Anyway, I much prefer Burns' lesser known poems, especially the ones with a bit of humour.  So I thought I'd share this one with you:-

Reply to an Invitation

Yours this moment I unseal,
And faith!  I'm gay and hearty,
To tell the truth and shame the Deil,                                           devil
I am as fou as Bartie.                                                                     drunk

But Foorsday, Sir, my promise leal,                                               Thursday; true
Expect me o' your partie,
If on a beastie I can speel                                                             climb
Or hurl in a cartie.                                                                           trundle
                  Yours, - Robert Burns

What a fabulous reply!
I've already blogged about Burns and the Greenock connection - you can read about it here.

Enjoy what's left of your Friday.

Love, Liz


Paulette said…
I have read about Burns Suppers, I have never eaten haggis and is NOT on my list of foods I want to try, now the whisky would be to my liking. ❤
GardenOfDaisies said…
What? No haggis? ;-) I don't blame you!

I was exposed to Burns at a very young age, without realizing it. Here in America there is a very popular series of children's books; "Little House on The Prairie", etc... by Laura Ingalls Wilder. IN the books there are many mentions made of the tunes her pa would sing and play on the fiddle in the evenings. Later on I would learn that many of those song lyrics were Burns. Her sister's favorite song was Highland Mary.
Erna said…
My favourite Burn's poem is "My love is like a Red, Red Rose" as it brings back memories of my one and only Scottish boyfriends..
I do like Haggis and some whiskeys..
Have a nice weekend
Erna x
Used-to-Bees said…
Can't say I blame you on the haggis and whisky front! Haggis doesn't appeal to me and I don't like whisky. Maybe some Dundee Cake?
Kristen said…
Happy Robbie Burns day! I can't imagine anyone really likes haggis, so I doubt they'll hold it against you.
Elizabeth said…
Burns is OK when not too heavy on the dialect

I think I liked "To a Mouse" once upon a time

Wee timorous, quivering slicket' (?) beastie......
that's all I remember!
Have a super weekend!
Ruth Kelly said…
I don't care for haggis or whiskey either. I have been to one of those burns parties years ago. Thanks for adding words out to the side so we could understand what he was truly saying.
gilly said…
Happy Burns Birthday to you too - and here's hoping you've not already been incarcerated! I love haggis but not a big whiskey fan - it's nice in sauce over the haggis, neeps & tatties though !
Have a lovely weekend,
sky-blu-pink said…
Happy Burns Night, Liz! I have a Scottish friend, Caroline Burns, who celebrates it like a second birthday! Hope you and your family enjoyed a wee dram. As a vegetarian I love McSweeny's vege haggis, but do remember the real thing, when I was a little girl, brought back by my Daddy when he was working offshore near Grangemouth. Very tasty.
Heather said…
I did wonder about Burns night. although I have a Scottish name I don't really know much about Scotland! it rings a bit of a bell now! Heather x
50 and counting said…
Born a Scot. Cannot abide the smell of whisky.

So we should start our own clan!

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