Very Precious

I'm going to take you back a few years now and show you something very, very precious to me.

This is my first son's shawl given to him by his Grandmother.

My Mother got a friend to knit it for me - it was a traditional thing here in Greenock, and there were a few women who were well known for their shawl knitting.  Once you knew a baby was expected the question would be "Who's knitting your shawl?"

It really is quite a delicate, specialised skill - look at the lovely delicate cable round the edge.  I think this was knit in 2 ply wool.  Traditionally it would be worn and admired at the baby's christening.  I'll pass it on ........ one day.

Here he is with the shawl, about 2 and a half months old - such a happy baby!
 Love, Liz


Deborah said…
Gorgeous sweetie :)

Bee happy x
That's so sweet. Funnily enough I was thinking of the baby shawl this morning my eldest two had when they were babies.
Fiona said…
It's beautiful and your son was adorable.

Oh yes I remember the days when you always got a home made baby shawl at your baby shower, Then many more followed by relatives. I kept my kids for year, and now have no idea where they are

your son was so sweet in the picture
Paulette said…
Not only is the shawl precious, but that little guy is a cutie!
Ruth Kelly said…
My son was a happy baby and he had this really deep belly laugh that was amazing.
Jan said…
Beautiful! I have crocheted an afghan for each of my grandbabies, but nothing as delicate and lovely as this!
Curtise said…
A gorgeous shawl, full of memories and love and tradition. And a gorgeously smiley baby! xxx
Gill said…
Wonderful! Can you pull it through your wedding ring?
I had a beautiful shawl hand knitted in Scotland for my babies, the firm that did the Hary Potter jumpers that I can no longer find online. I wish I could!
Jem said…
We have something similar in our family - a gown and shawl that were passed around when myself and my cousins were born. Makes me quite sad that the next generation probably won't make much use of it!

This is truly beautiful - what a talent to be able to create such gorgeous and delicate work - I'd imagine the skills of the lady who made this were in much demand!

Jem xXx
Mum said…
Lovely shawl and equally lovely baby. Chuckle, chuckle.
Love from Mum
Anne said…
Absolutely beautiful, baby and shawl! It must have taken some knitting in 2 ply, a real labour of love.
Vix said…
What a precious thing. Your boy was a cutie, bet he'll go mad when he sees this, though! x
Heather said…
what a happy chappy! lovely shawl, a treasure. Heather x
Erna said…
What a wonderful shawl,great the photo of your baby son too...
Erna x
It's really beautiful, and I love the photo of your son - he was a doll!
Patricia said…
Ah that is so lovely and a treasure to pass on.
Patricia x
Biba said…
Oh my goodness, this shawl is precious! And so is your boy, of course (probably a wee bit taller now, right?)
**Anne** said…
The shawl is BEAUTIFUL as it your gorgeous boy. Thanks for sharing.
Anne xx
Vintage Jane said…
Such a cutie. I cherish a little embroidered blanket that my M-I-L made for our little man. M x
sky-blu-pink said…
Beautiful shawl, and a bonny wee baby!
vintage grey said…
Such a beautiful shawl and a sweet photo!!! xo Heather
Heloise said…
I am speechless the shawl is beautiful!!! and so is your son. Heloise @daisies and dragonflies
It's beautiful items like this that make me so glad that sewing, knitting, crochet and embroidery have made such a comeback over recent years. What a shame it would be if these skills were lost forever, and we all contented ourselves with machine-made, mass produced... well, everything. That said, this particular shawl has been made by someone with a real, extra special talent and skill that few of us will ever master! x
Robyn of Oz said…
what a beautiful heirloom. I'm sure it is so cherished, and your bub was such a cutie! Love a bub with sticky-up hair. My middle one had the same.
Kylie said…
It is special Liz, and very beautiful, as is your gorgeous smiling, happy baby boy. I hope he's just as happy and smiley in adulthood.
Anonymous said…
Hello liz
Such a beautiful shawl,so delicate yes the same tradition was followed in our household too.. my sister in law made mine for my first son..and it has since been passed on to my grandaughter..they rightly become family heirlooms
Thea x
Liz, they are beautiful.

I was lent two handknitted lace shawls when my children were new borns. Both by family friends, who made me feel so very privileged with such a treasured loan.

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