Crochet & Pretty Nostalgic

I absolutely love working with these colours, as I am crocheting one square, I'm already thinking of my colour combinations for the next.  Just had to show you my progress.  Over the holidays I wasn't really in the mood for crafting, so its great to get back to something which I am enjoying so much!

Did any of you notice?

Shortbread & Ginger blog is in there on page 60 of Issue 5 of
Pretty Nostalgic
magazine along with some other subscribers.  How exciting!

A while ago I blogged about how dissatisfied I was with magazines on offer and wished there was one that really tapped into the vintage scene.  Then Pretty Nostalgic appeared and it does just that - and lots more beside! 

Issue 5 is a marvellous mix - with articles on the WI, vintage cameras, Totnes vintage shops,  and  lots more.  The photography and art work are great and the main emphasis is on British goods and places.  It really is a fantastic magazine, and I'm not just saying that because I'm in this issue!

Have you notices that many magazines today contain short articles which mostly describe unattainable homes and ubiquitous consumables which may be of interest to some, but to those of us who love vintage seem a bit too ordinary?  Well, you won't find things like that in Pretty Nostalgic - vintage fashion, books, lifestyles and cooking are the order of the day.  Just brilliant!!!!

Love, Liz


Ellie Foster said…
Dear Liz
We subscribe to Pretty Nostalgic and really like it - the layout and look of it, the celebration of Britain and the quirky and interesting articles. Congratulations on appearing in it!
Your crochet squares remind me of the colour of neapolitan ice cream (a real treat, when I was little, and only for very special occasions!)
Best wishes
Elisabeth said…
Lovely granny squares, Liz! I'm working on a granny square blanket and it's great to pick up when I've only got a few minutes to craft and trying out different colour combinations is great fun :) Have a lovely weekend xx
Hello Liz:
We do agree that the colours which you are working with are lovely - all those soft, pastel hues. And how splendid to have had a mention in 'Pretty Nostalgic'. You must be very thrilled.
oooh Totnes vintage shops? I used to live there and I can confirm that one in particular was totally amazing. The woman used to smoke brown roll ups with really strong baccy. Fantastic that you're in the magazine too! Getting famous. ooh and love the battenburg coloured crochet!!
Connie said…
How wonderful that you made it into print. I guess that means you're legit! Unfortunately the vintage movement is still rather underground here in the US. I'm often looked upon as somewhat eccentric. But maybe I am......
Anne said…
I will have to check that one out LIz! I love the colour scheme for the squares, it reminds me of neapolitan ice cream we used to have as kids, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla all in the same tub!
Curtise said…
Love your crochet and the soft pretty colours.
I haven't heard of this magazine, it's great that you are featured in it, I will have to take a look. xxxxx
Oh, I must look for that magazine. I doubt it will be available in Canada,but may well be found here in NZ, where I am for a couple of months. Kiwis are nostalgia and craft crazy I am happy to say.
Linda said…
I've just popped over to the website for the magazine. I must say it looks most interesting and I think I may have to invest in a copy. Thanks for posting about it. Linda xXx
**Anne** said…
Loving your granny squares and how absolutely delightful to find a magazine that you truly enjoy.
Anne xx
Patricia said…
I love Pretty Nostalgic too. It has some wonderful articles, ideas and photos. I like the colours of your granny squares.
Patricia x
Heidi Lisa said…
Love the Granny Squares! Are you going to make quilt?

I totally agree with you, most magazines and design show design for bigger wallets and modern styles...
Well done, on the crochet and the article! :) x
sky-blu-pink said…
Yes! Saw you in Pretty Nostalgic! Congratulations on getting in print. Love the ice cream colours of your crochet!
Tina said…
Hi Liz!
How awesome you were mentioned on a gorgeous magazine. Congratulations!
Your crochet squares are kust lovely. The colours are totally yummy!

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