Scrappy Dogs and Cats

This box of paper scraps certainly brings back memories.  All of these are my own from when I was a little girl in the 60s.  I'm so glad I kept them.

This Yardley soap box was used for a variety of bits and pieces before it became the home of these lovelies.  If you look carefully you can see that I've written Bunty on it somewhere - so it probably housed my Bunty comic dressing up paper dolls and clothes - remember them?  It also contained my threads once upon a time too. 

But today I'm going to show you some scrappy dogs and cats.

Isn't he a handsome fellow?

 This poor cat looks as if it has been in a real scrap - part of its ear is missing!

Oh well, enough cuteness for one day.

Love, Liz

Welcome to all my new followers!


Anne said…
I remember Bunty and used to love the paper dolls and clothes.
Paulette said…
Gorgeous illustration of the cats and dogs. I just love seeing ephemera from days gone by!
sky-blu-pink said…
My Mummie's friend Sylvia lived in Germany when we were little and would send us pages of scraps, which we loved, And I eagerly awaited my Bunty each week to discover what the Four Marys had been up to! happy memories!
They are utterly charming! Will you use them for something? x
Mrs. H said…
Gorgeous scraps and beautiful box too
:-) x
Frocktasia said…
I used to collect Victorian paper scraps as a kid. There used to be a Victorian themed little shop in the old town of Stockholm that sold them, I wonder if it's still there? They also sold rock candy on sticks, brilliant. It's really nice to go though a little stash of childhood memories like that, well done you for keeping them...x
Jacqui said…
Love popping in here - it's like my childhood. Great scraps and had forgotten about the Bunty dress ups. I moved over to Mandy when it came out x
I'm glad you kept them too.
What lovely little snippets from your childhood, I had bounty too! :) x
June said…
Just gorgeous. Love those scraps!
Louise Mc said…
What lovely little bits, they would make fantastic card toppers.
Pickworth said…
Helllo,Liz!It has been a long time, but much water under the bridge these past few years. I am still following your blog faithfully and enjoy it very much. Have seen a couple of posts from you on other blogs and so pleased you love Dutch Sisters as much as I do ... I have begun quilting and plan on making two this year ... great plans! Hugs,Patricia
Kylie said…
I remember these too LIz - some of them even had glitter on them. Did you know you can still buy them now (reproductions, of course) I don't know where, but a friend sent me a sheet of them...I think they are made in Germany(?) My Mum used to stick them on out pads when she covered them for school x
Linda said…
Aww! Liz so cool that you kept these! I used to love cutting up my mums old catalogues xx
Marjorie said…
What a lovely find.
Vix said…
I haven't seen any of these for years, how I love them! I started revamping a Victorian screen as a teenager and it's still at my Dad's, 30 years later, in an unfinished state. I really should get on eBay and track some down! x
Annie Cholewa said…
Bunty ... gosh, that's going back a bit. But yes, I remember :D

Lovely scraps Liz :)
Anonymous said…
Very cute little scrappy bits and the Yardley box is beautiful too x
Elisabeth said…
Lovely scraps Liz. I used to love Victorian style scraps like that when I was Little...I wonder if there is a box like that still at my parents house? :) xx
Nice to meet you! I have heard from several that attended Burns night in the USA, UK and Australia. Thanks for visiting! I love cute!
Curtise said…
These illustartions look oh-so-familiar yet I haven't seen any for years! And yes, of course I remember Bunty! I nearly bought a Bunty annual at the flea market today but it was in a bit of a bashed state so I left it. Memories... xxxx
Thanks for visiting my post. It was lovely seeing yours -- makes me homesick for a place that was never my home, but always felt like it.
Heather from Friendship,Life and Style blogspot
Scottsdale, AZ
I absolutely love these Liz! Looking forward to seeing more.
GardenOfDaisies said…
I especially l ove the little kittens asleep in the basket. That is exactly what they do.
These are beautiful Liz. By amazing coincidence I bought some in Honiton yesterday at the wonderful Fountain Antiques Centre! Lizzie x
Catherine said…
Well done you for keeping them Liz! They are particularly "nice"scraps though, I do have to say. Just a thought, if ever you wanted to use any of them..I have sometimes had some of my favourite postcards colour photocopied on to a light card that they call "silk", they come out so perfectly & that way you can keep the originals safe & sound yet use your prize scraps for making cards, decoupage etc. Much love Catherine x0x0x

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