Fashion - 1925

Thank goodness its all over and we can get back to normal!!!!!  (Whatever "normal" actually is!)  I don't really like this time of year and am so glad when the festivities are all over!  I thought to start the year off, you might like to see some images from "The Needlewoman" of October 1925.  The artwork is just amazing!

Here's a pattern for a knitted dress.

Or a hat and scarf!

Even the adverts are lovely!

Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.

Love Liz


sky-blu-pink said…
Nice dress! My husband said he always wanted a pair of knitted trousers! I have a cool pattern from the 70s, so maybe . . . !
**Anne** said…
Thanks for sharing the images from the The Needlewoman. Those first to photos are beautiful.
Anne xx
21 Wits said…
Very interesting, and the last photo, I really like what they did with that. I always have so much fun looking at all ads, and what they actually sold back then. For Christmas this year I bought my husband an old copy of Mechanix Illustrated from September 1948, and it sold back then for 15 cents, and our youngest son had the best fun reading through it. I couldn't believe he ignored all the new stuff for Christmas and studied that!
What a fantastic book, glad things are sorted for you now! :) x
Used-to-Bees said…
What a stunning illustration - the colours are divine. and I have to say, that hat looks rather gorgeous too. Happy Back to Normality - I am sorry to see all the decorations gone this year...
Those illustrations are fab! x
Marjorie said…
Lovely magazine. Happy New year to you and yours, Liz.
Riitta Sinikka said…
♥ I love your photos! Happy New Year♥ xxx Riitta♥
Louise Mc said…
What a gorgeous knitted dress, I wish I could knit something like that. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
The Custards said…
Happy New Year to you Liz and I wish you all the best for 2013
A lovely book there - I admire greatly that people would knit EVERYTHING including underwear!
Best wishes
Curtise said…
The illustrations are beautiful, especially the cover - stunning! Love that frock too. xxx
fabulous, I love the way magazine covers were illustrated at that time. I would love that knitted dress too!!
Heloise said…
Lover the cover and the illustrations are sooo nice. Always something nice on your blog!!Happy New Year
vintage grey said…
Love these! How fun would it be to dress like this! So wonderful! Happy Monday! xo Heather
Anonymous said…
Such a beautiful book Liz... I love looking through books of days gone by
Thea x
Little Nell said…
That's a real treasure. I enjoyed the pictutres Liz.
Lovely book, it´s a treasure :) There are very nice works in those old craft books. I love them and I also have collected many :)

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