First Charity Shop Bargain of 2013

At long last - my first charity shop find of 2013! 

I really thought I was jinxed and that I'd not find any beauties this year.  Then along came this gorgeous Ridgway Colclough vintage plate.

It is a very unusual colour - a sort of greyish violet with a little gold edging.

Not bad for 50p!

Since the beginning of the year I have been amazed by the prices the local charity shops have been charging, its as if they made a pact to raise their prices in the new year!  Wonder who their new clientele will be if they continue this way?
Don't worry - I'll still be out there sniffing out the bargains!

Love, Liz

I'm an Op Shop Show Off, so I'm joining up with Max at Blackbird Has Spoken.  Come on over and see what other bloggers have found this week.


Elizabeth said…
Yes, a splendid, most unusual gray.
Has quite forgotten the name Colclough though some poeple called that lived near us in Essex when I was a child.
Linda said…
Beautiful plate, I'm jealous! xXx
thriftwood said…
Lovely plate Liz, and the table cloth's nice too!

Love, Claire xxx
Rose H (UK) said…
Great plate Liz, and what a bargain :o)
If your charity shops are the same as round here each time they have a new manager there's a price hike :o(
I know they're there to make money BUT everything IS donated, lower shop overheads and staffed mainly by unpaid volunteers - if they charged £1 for each item they'd still rake in the cash and have a bigger turn over of goods instead of throwing a lot of it in a skip. (Sorry for the rant!)
Rose H
gilly said…
It's a beautiful plate - great find, well done!
Meg said…
It's the same here in Oz...the shops have drastically increased prices, ansd I find I need to beat them at their own game with keeping ahead of them and pouncing when they miss pricing a treasure.
Indeed, a super colour.
I am sniffing at the op shops here in NZ, quite a lot to be had, specially mid century modern, but I am restricted to scarves and vintage knitting patterns.....well, a couple of knives have slipped in.
Paulette said…
Your plate is very elegant. A great find to start off the new year.
Yes they aren't full of many bargains anymore! :) x
Curtise said…
The gold detail on the plate is very pretty, and you're right, it is an unusual colour.
I always think that if charity shops kept their prices lower, the turnover of stock would be far higher. I feel disappointed when I go into my regular charity shops and keep seeing the same goods. I am convinced it puts the punters off! xxxxx
Hello Liz:
Your china plate is such a very pretty colour. The delicate decoration makes it even more delightful and it will surely grace any table on which it is placed.
Unknown said…
Good find! Will look even nicer with a cake on it!

I agree some of the prices are crazy, you could buy new for less!

L x
sky-blu-pink said…
Both so pretty, and I just love the colour of the plate, which the cloth so beautifully enhances.
Heidi Lisa said…
Interesting, What does it look like p n the o ther side?
Max said…
Glad to hear the 'find' drought has come to an end! The plate is just beautiful-and almost the exact colour im about to paint my dining room (grey with a lavendr base), im so in love with this shade at the mo. and how weird the op shop prices have gone up there when all the other shops are having sales! You do have to vote with your feet when it gets like that, the prices will come back down if sales decline (hopefully?). Thanks for linking up again x
Streetcomber said…
I do love that grey.
Miss Maple said…
A wonderful, extraordinary and I think very elegant plate! I'm looking forward to seeing how you will use it or decorate it.
I'm with Curtise, they should keep stock.a bit lower and it would fly out the shop. Ok keeping a watch out for really valuable stuff, but they charge too much! Anyway, I'm sure the plate will be the first of many finds this year. It's really pretty too
What a wonderful find, I think that colour is one of my favorite colours of all time.

I blog about charity shopping too. Just starting off, have a look here =)

Thank you xx

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