My Vintage China

I adore my collection of vintage china.  There, I've said it!

I was getting a bit worried for a while that my collection was actually a bit silly - after all, why was I collecting these bits and pieces?  I mentioned it to a friend and she asked if looking at them made me happy - I answered that of course it did and I loved having such beautiful things out on display.  She said that if they made me happy on a daily basis, then why should I feel guilty and/or silly about collecting them!

I decided there and then that I was going to treasure them even more.

So excuse this rather self-indulgent post as I show off some of my gorgeous mix and match vintage china!

Look at those patterns and the lovely handles.

Do you sometimes feel a bit guilty about what you collect?

Love, Liz


Sarah Jane said…
Wow, beautiful. They would make me happy too and no, I would not feel silly or guilty for having such a collection!
Jan said…
A beautiful collection-enjoy to your heart's content!
You have every right to adore them, they are gorgeous! The mix and match is wonderful. x
Paulette said…
I love your collection, the delicate handles, the beautiful colors and designs make me smile too. I almost feel like I want to start collecting these beautiful tea cups.
Tina said…
Gorgeous collection! Every teacup and saucer are just so pretty! xx
Mum said…
Yep, certainly do but it makes me happy. So perhaps I should say that no I don't feel guilty. It makes me happy to read about other people enjoying my guilty pleasures. Here's to collecting more. Keep smiling.
Love from Mum
Miss Maple said…
Wonderful collection. I think I must show my collection too, so stay tuned. But it's not so beautiful as yours. Did you know that you can rent vintage china here:
Best wishes!
Patricia said…
I love your china it is absolutely gorgeous. No I don't feel guilty about collecting but I do have a problem storing it somewhere. There are certain pieces that I keep on show but if I buy any more then I think we'll have to move house!
Your friend is right, so carry on collecting those beautiful cups and saucers without a guilty conscience!

I don't feel guilty about my collections, its more about worrying that I'm lacking space to store them, especially my utility china!
Hello Liz:
Your vintage china collection is absolutely wonderful. We do not feel that you should have the least concern about adding to it. Things of beauty are lovely to live with and, who knows, you may be tempted to open your own tea shop one day!!!

WE have found you via Patricia and have much enjoyed our visit. We have signed as Followers.
Jem said…
This is where you and I could not be more similar!! Is there anything as happy-making as wandering into a charity shop and coming across some pretty china?! Not only is it wonderful to build up a little collection to continually admire - you also get a fantastic buzz from hunting for new pieces. And let's face it - a teacup habit is much less expensive than a shoe habit!

Jem xXx
Attila said…
Too right! I especially adore the lilac cup with violets inside. If I'd been in the same charity shop or wherever you got it, you'd have been left in the dust as I whoooshed past on my way to the checkout, clutching it in my hot little hand! ;-)
gillyflower said…
Liz you have a wonderful collection there! They are so pretty, the colours, designs and the shapes - love that lilac one especially.
Your friend is right, if they make you happy then why shouldnt you?
I sometimes feel guilty about all the vintage fabrics I collect!
Have a good week Liz
Gill xx
50 and counting said…
It depends on what you collect and how much you spend.

I finally understand why I collect the china bits and pieces and the embroidery. My family emigrated to Canada back in the 1960s. Much was left behind due to shipping costs. When my Granny died, everything was divided up amongst the family in the UK. So I'm trying to acquire what I would have had if my branch of the family hadn't moved.

I love to do Sunday afternoon tea. Get all the china out. My sons friends drop by and use it and think it's fun to have "open house"
The very best kind of habit! What a stunning collection you have there. x
I'm completely running out of space so I do feel naughty picking up more bric a brac! Your collection is lovely, there's some stunning patterns there. Keep it and love it all cos often people don't want single pieces of China
Anonymous said…
Beautiful collection Liz..
I have a soft spot for pretty china too..It could be worse
Thea x
Curtise said…
But look at it - it's SO pretty! So many gorgeous colours and details and decoration, so delicate and delightful. It's made me happy just to look at the photos! So please don't feel guilty for being a collector of beautiful china, you're allowed! xxxxx
Heather said…
you have some really pretty pieces there. I wonder if you display them in any way? I do have a bit of a thing about some Romanian milk jugs with pretty retro flower transfers on! haven't brought any lately but then I found any lately! things have gone quiet of the thrifting front, Heather x
Rose H (UK) said…
Hi Liz
What a super collection!
Do I feel guilty about my stuff?
Yes, quite often - but then I think it's me that has to dust it all!
Rose H
sky-blu-pink said…
What eye candy! Such a gorgeous collection! I have mine packed away at the moment, waiting for a country kitchen show them off to their best advantage!!!
Meg said…
What a gorgeous collection Liz. As you have probably realized I collect TOO much....globes,china,crystal,antique linen, compacts, boxes,luggage,books and the list goes on!
Flotsam said…
When it comes to hobbies I can think of a lot worse to do than collecting vintage china. They are each a little work of art and it is lovely to see them being treasured. If they were mine, I have a feeling i would use them though; fast rendering them into china pieces (I am about the most clumsy person I know).
June said…
A beautiful collection. The OH joked tonight that with my zest for collecting KP would soon be moving into the shed to live!
Catherine said…
How delightful Liz. I do love the violets most especially. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" remember! We had a surprise tea party in our garden for Mrs Murtagh on Tuesday..her grandparents lived in "our" house for over 40 years. She was SO thrilled & I was really, really glad to have my collections of loveliness to use. x0x
Connie said…
We should get together. I collect teapots! Your cups are gorgeous! How do you take your tea?
Allison said…
wow you sure have some beauties there. im always feeling guilty...but im getting really good at ignoring said guilt and loving my "hobby"....everyone needs a hobby right!
Allison x
Biba said…
You have a stunning collection. Worth every penny if it makes you happy. I collect angels from a certain artist - paintings & jewellery. They make me enormously happy and I don't really feel guilty about my collection. Some of them are with me all the time, on my keys, on my phone case, on my wallet... Whatever makes you happy and doesn't harm others is OK, I guess :)
VintageVicki said…
You have a gorgeous collection :)

I also collect china - cups & saucers and also milk/cream jugs. Oh and tea plates seem to be building into another collection!!
Erna said…
Hi LIz, I love your collection and I have to admit I have the same addiction ...
Erna x
Olga Rani said…
Really beautiful pieces you own! I collect cats - toys and figurines, and sometimes have a feeling of guilt, like it is so useless to collect this. But yeah, searching for new pieces makes me happy, so I ignore those guilt pangs.
Robyn of Oz said…
Your collection is beautiful and you should rightly be proud of it and I hope you do use the odd piece. There is nothing like a cup of tea served in a 'proper' china cup!
My mum had a lovely Doulton piece that my sister accidentally broke the handle of. I scoured around and found another set from the same pattern and presented it to her for Mother's Day (this was many, many moons ago). I think I cracked it for Best Present Ever. :)
Heloise said…
Enjoy your goodies !!!! they are beautiful. Heloise @daisies and dragonflies
Ah I have to stop looking at your blog. Only messing but everytime I do I get more and more jealous of the lovely things that you have. I love vintage china and I thought that I was the only one who loved to buy odd pieces here and there and mix and match them. Thank you friend that now I know that I'm not silly either! :)
Your collection IS beautiful! And I think what makes our homes feel so safe and wonderful to being surrounded by things we love and feel comfortable with! I think your lovely dishes do that for you!
Heidi Lisa said…
I hope to do the same! In Germany they even used to sell miss matched coffee cups (saucers and cake plates) . They call it Sammeltassen = cup collection
Elisabeth said…
Beautiful collection, Liz. The little lilac cup is a beauty :)
Unknown said…
Gorgeous Liz and enjoy as you are! I had a few for the B&B but of course unless guests use a teapot (and not put boiling water straight in cups) they crack so I lost a few - and not as nice as yours. You would love Port o' Call in Napier (Ahuriri). Did we go? I fear not but you get to choose the cup and saucer etc., design of your choice for afternoon tea - beautiful shop. I take it the gorgeous baby blankets have been delivered - look forward to an update! Am currently enjoying some excellent Rasperry Vodka xx
La Tea Dah said…
I love your vintage teacups and saucers. I collect as well --- and have a few in some of the patterns you show. You have some very special designs!
Jo said…
I worried about exactly the same thing at one point last year and came to exactly the same conclusion! I absolutely all love my china, even though I'm struggling to know where to put it because I don't have my own house yet.

Feel free to do more self indulgent china posts. I love getting a peek at all your pretty pieces!
VintiqueTree said…
Dont feel guilty I am exactly the same! I just love the dainty handles and thin china, drinking tea out of modern cups feels wrong when you use old china x
Tammy's in Love said…
I'll provide the Blueberry Scones and Lemon Curd if I get first choice on which cup I'd like to drink out of! I host High Tea at my house and love my vintage china cups too, such personality and unique designs, who wouldn't want to drink a cup?
Becky said…
This china is gorgeous!! So lovely!! I have a weird obsession with mix matched china. There is nothing prettier than a tea set up on some vintage china :) Maybe I should start a collection since it makes me so happy, too? No guilt!
miz-bag said…
mixand match is the the violet you use them for tea?

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