Vintage gold & daffodils

I bought a pot of gorgeous little tete a tete daffodils to bring a bit of spring into the house. 

I then had to have a rummage through what's left of my vintage china because I knew that I had some plates and cups that would just go beautifully with the golden daffodils.  (A lot of my stuff is still packed away in boxes after the kitchen redo.)

This Royal Vale gold and white plate is just gorgeous teamed with a delicate Balfour fine bone china cup which matches perfectly.

This is a Sutherland china cup with pretty little flowers.

My favourite is the Roslyn cup with a very blousy, over the top yellow flower - I just love it!  Need a cuppa now!

Look who I found lurking in the daffies!

Love, Liz


Kim said…
Lovely china you have there. I particularly love the bright happy daffodil pretty. Love the pot of sunshiny daffodils. They are a lovely welcome to Spring.
Jane said…
I love daffodils, but alas, mine are very slow to come up this year. I love your gold and white china and that little daffodil cup is gorgeous! Your little bunnies look so sweet among the daffodils. Best, Jane x
Pam said…
I have a pot of tete a tete on my doorstep but sadly no bunnies lurking within.
mamasmercantile said…
What fun, I love the bunnies lurking in the daffodils.
I can never resist a little pot of tete a tete daffodils, and how stunning is the Roslyn cup with its blowsy flower, which almost looks like one of those daffs with the orange hearts! xxx
Oh so charming, Liz! Love those sweet cups!
Beautiful! Love the long eared folk hiding in your daffodils x
Sheila said…
Just beautiful. I love tete a tete daffodils and now ave a good clump of them in the garden by planting out the bulbs from the £1 pots when they are done in the house.
Your china is stunning.
Julie said…
Daffs to bring a smile and add a spot of colour this time of year especially when the rain comes (again)...your little bunnies are cute hiding amongst the greenery

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