Thank you friends

I just wanted to say thank you to all the lovely people who commented on my blog yesterday.  You have given me lots of suggestions about what to do with my finished cross stitch projects.  As usual, it is the finishing off that I least like with my crafting projects!

Last night we were bombarded by Storm Gareth - very high winds and lots of rain.  Couldn't sleep for fear of the windows blowing in or slates falling off the roof so got up and read some lovely blogs and scoured Pinterest for gorgeous images - that calmed me down a bit.

Nice day now, but I believe there is more bad weather to come.  Hope all is well wherever you are.

Love, Liz


Megan said…
I was lying awake here in North Wales(Llandudno) listening to the storm as well last night and I thought it would be a good idea if someone clever(not me !) could invent something that told you who else of your friends were also awake so you could call them for a chat when you both couldn't sleep.
I would cut your lovely cross stitch pictures to size to fit a folder,stitch a "frame" around them and put them in clear pages in your folder so they were safe but you could always look at them and show off to others. You can tell I have used up all my wall space too.Happy days in Greenock,we stopped there in a cruise ship once and the view just blew us away,even though we are Scottish and thought we had seen it all before we moved here. Next cruise in July is going from Dover all round Britain and back to Dover,so we will see more of beautiful Scotland. It is on a newly built Saga cruise ship and this is it's first voyage and they have listened to passengers suggestions and made a specially designed Craft room where you can do a course or just work happily on your own thing. Keep up the good work,love your blog, Megan.
mamasmercantile said…
The weather here is blowing a gale with all 28 ferry routes disrupted in some way. We have no ferries running at all today. Hope you don't sustain too much damage.
butterfly said…
It's been pretty bad here too.
Have a lovely week ,love the sweet little girl.
giò said…
Spero che tu ora stia bene. Un abbraccio 😘
Kezzie said…
I will go and see what you asked! The wind has been rather mad- I didn't realise it was an official one- Hello Gareth!
Linda P said…
Love you little lady. Hope you have a better night and the stormy weather calms down.
Sounds like a bit of a scary old storm. We are still sweltering down under where I am x
Crimson Kettle said…
It's nice and bright this morning but the storm rages on.
Pink Rose said…
Oh boy it does sound like scary weather I am glad you are ok and I pray that you and your family keep safe.our weather has dropped nice cool Autumn weather for us now,take care my friend xx
Storms can be quite scary, can't they? We had one on Sunday here in Belgium, causing quite a lot of damage, but luckily we escaped the worst of it. I hope you did too, Liz! xxx
Julie said…
Storm Gareth has been wreaking havoc here too. Just heard on the weatherman that the high winds are in till early next week - I guess that means more time inside to read/sew/knit/craft etc ... what a shame!
Carol said…
Hello! Just popping in from the U.S. to say thank you for commenting on my blog--I'm happy to have found yours, too! Hope your storms have passed and spring will be visiting soon :) Carol at Stitching Dreams

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