Tiered tray and teacups

Tiered trays - anyone who follows fellow bloggers across the Atlantic will perhaps have noticed the popularity of decorated tiered trays.  I usually come across trends when they are on their way out, so these have probably been around for years and I've just noticed!  Anyway, I thought a tiered tray would be a great way to bring a pop of colour into my white kitchen, so looked around to find one.

Couldn't see anything that I liked so, after showing a few pictures to Hubby, I just happened to ask if one of these would be easy to make.  Of course the answer was yes, if the the right components could be found.  We found them!  Two box frames from Ikea, a wooden candlestick, the thingy bit from a curtain rail and four knobs from our old kitchen doors were all he needed to make me a gorgeous tiered tray.  (I think he's a keeper!)

I decided that I wanted to bring some pink into the kitchen so looked around at my vintage bits and pieces to see what would go together.  This is what I came up with.  Some vintage crockery and linen, pink flowers, a gorgeous, almost pink stone and some other bits and pieces put together and I had my first tiered try styled!

I love this thing, because it means that I can show off some of my little vintage bits and pieces.  Being grouped together they make more of an impact than just on their own.  I can change the colour and style with the season, or if I just get bored!

Blogging is a great way of getting ideas for crafts and decorating - there are so many creative bloggers out there.  Pinterest is also a fabulous resource for ideas - although in my case it is slightly addictive!

I love my tiered tray both because Hubby made it for me and also because it means I can bring some of my "treasures" back into my kitchen.  For those of you who have seen tiered trays in blogs and online, you will notice that there is not one single bit of the ubiquitous Rae Dunn ceramics in these photographs (although you might notice some Cath Kidston).

Love, Liz


Maggie said…
I love your tray, what a great idea 😁
Your tiered tray is lovely, Liz...great use of the box frames...and you've styled it beautifully!
Jules said…
Oh wow! That's lovely. I've never seen a tiered tray before. X
NanaDiana said…

That turned out really cute and even more special because hubby made it and you didn't buy it somewhere. I love all your sweet bits and pieces for spring. It's perfect! xo Diana
butterfly said…
Love it , I have lots of pink things in my kitchen.
Wonderful idea well done it looks great.
What a clever hubby you have: that tiered tray is looking fabulous. And I love how you decorated it, just gorgeous. And you can change the display according to occasion and season, so that you'll never get bored with it, either. xxx P.S. I hadn't noticed these trays were a thing either ...
Vix said…
I've never seen one of those before and I love it. It shows off all your pretties to perfection. I might get Jon to make one for displaying jewellery on our stall! x
Julie said…
Well done hubby, what a great job he did. You've filled it with such pretty things.
Jo said…
I love your tiered tray, what a clever hubby you have. It's just the thing to display some of your treasures.
Lilbitbrit said…
I think it's a lovely idea and looks so good.
mamasmercantile said…
Stunning, what a clever hubby you have. Inspirational.
Crimson Kettle said…
Oh what a great idea! It looks fabulous, so pink and gorgeous, maybe next week, it might be blue . . .
Kezzie said…
Well, that's absolutely beautiful- both the idea, construction and how you have decorated it!

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