Tea for two

A pink and white knitted tea cosy is one of the stars of the show today.

It is joined by two vintage cups and saucers, also pink and white.

I rediscovered this gorgeous vintage embroidered tray cloth in my fabric stash - how on earth could I have forgotten this beauty!

Aren't the colours wonderful.  When I see pieces like this, I often wonder about the woman who made it.  I'll never know, but I often think about how pieces came about.  Were they made to give as gifts or to brighten the maker's own home?

Or, perhaps like my own stitching, they were just made purely for the love of creating - the love of doing something which gives pleasure.  After all the years, these lovely hand crafted pieces still give some of us a lot of joy.

Do you ever wonder about your vintage finds?

Love, Liz


butterfly said…
Love the teapot cover , and the great find , very pretty.
Crimson Kettle said…
So pretty and yet not appreciated as much as it should be except by you and your readers. Such a lot of work went into the embroidery, so nice to see it with your cups and tea cosy.
Julie said…
I always look in the charity shops at pieces that have been hand stitched and wonder what person must have taken the time to make them. I know of a lady who rescues them and turns the stitched parts into something else as she says its a shame for them to sit unused if they have a slight stain or mark on them, some have small holes from over time.
Loving the tea cosy, i'll be round for a cuppa later ......LOL
Another gorgeous still life, Liz. The embroidery on that tray cloth is exquisite. I'm always wondering about my vintage pieces' previous lives as well, especially when something is handmade! xxx
I'm loving that tea cosy, we are so common here and use teabags straight into the cup, lol
busybusybeejay said…
I think tray cloths were made to be used by the maker and also as gifts.Such a lot of time went into them.I love your tea cosies.I have that pattern and keep promising myself I will make one .One day........
Jeanette said…
Love the teapot cover & the tray cloth is beautiful. Hugs,xx
mamasmercantile said…
I often look at some of my treasured vintage finds and wonder if they could talk, what would they say? A beautiful post.
Vix said…
I always wonder about the origins of my finds, sometimes I'm lucky enough o buy them from the previous owner which makes me very happy! x

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