My afghan coat

Look what I found lurking at the back of the wardrobe!  My original afghan coat from the 70s!

It was so cosy and warm and of course, super trendy ... at the time!

Looks well worn, doesn't it.  These coats were very popular for a while in the 70s.

I remember some afghan coats had embroidery on them and were much longer in length than mine.

Do you remember afghan coats?  Did you have one?

Love, Liz


There's a blast from the past! Very cool!
Snap! I had almost exactly the same coat in the 1970s. How wonderful that you still have yours. Brings back quite a few memories! xxx
mamasmercantile said…
My goodness, that brought back some lovely memories. I had one very similar but maybe a little longer.
NanaDiana said…
I DID have one! Mine was the same color but was long and belted at the waist. LOL Love that you have yours! xo Diana
Margaret said…
I remember those well. I always wanted one but alas my wishes were not granted. Lovely to see yours so well cared for.
Mine was purple, lol
Jean said…
I never had one but my friend did.
Maggie said…
Oh I love it😁😁 I tried everywhere to get one in the late 70's but they were expensive. I had a quilted jacket, do you remember those. I'm guessing you were a bit of a hippie chick too 😉😉
Kezzie said…
Ah, I love it! Almost bought one in the charity shop recently! It was so nice but decided I had too many coats! Regret it as it was only £4!
Lesley said…
I so wanted one of these at the time - just as well I didn’t get one as we moved to a warm part of Australia soon after! Lesley
kate steeper said…
i remember the smell when they got wet ..but being the only plus sized girl in the village they never made one that fitted me
Vix said…
I love Afghans, mine's blue. x
Hi Liz! So nice that you popped in to see my wee garden! Your recent tea posts are so cheery. My sister had a coat like this, and I have certainly seen them in films of that era.So fun that you still have it. The landscape must be beautiful and green where you are. Happy spring!
Hello! I like your pretty photos!!
It is the nice coat 💛
Crimson Kettle said…
I remember those! I didn't have one though. Are you going to start wearing it again?
Kim said…
I love your afghan coat. I had one too. Does it still fit you?? If it does, I can see some a little tarting up happening with some gorgeous trims and the like. =)
Julie said…
The older girls at school had them, but I was too young dad said :-(

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