Style Evolution ....... Not!

Now don't laugh!

(Why is it when you say that to someone, they automatically do laugh?)

Went for an eye test yesterday and need stronger new glasses.  I've been wearing glasses since I was 10 - so as you can imagine, there's been a fair bit of glass used in helping me see clearly!

I looked out some old frames to take into the optician's shop - I think they "repurpose" them. 

All this made me think about my glasses style evolution…….  oh dear!!!!!

Dame Edna eat your heart out!

My early glasses style I can put down to my Mum, who must have thought that these were lovely and suited me to a tee!

Later styles were not much better - but I probably choose these myself - were they fashionable at the time????

My sons called these my "Deirdre glasses" because of Deirdre in Coronation Street!

Is it me, or do they all look exactly the same with just minor variations?

I think I suit the ones I'm wearing now, but I'm not confident enough to post an up to date photo! 

Hope the new frames I've chosen are OK - its really hard to see what you actually look like in frames when you are as shortsighted as me.

Never mind - in a few years time I'll wonder how I ever thought they were the bees knees!

Love, Liz


Sindy said…
Liz, you look adorable! I am so laughing though because I think we have gone through the same evolution. Glasses that I thought were so cool at the time, I now wonder how on earth I could have thought that! But the worst part is that the old styles have re-emerged with a bit of up-dating and I'm helpless to resist them. . .again!
Sindy :)
I love this...I have worn every style over the years, too!
Alison W said…
Fashion through frames - what a great idea! And they're almost as evocative as the music of yesteryear! I'm with you on the difficulty in choosing frames - what looks great in the shop never looks the same when you try them on at home. I find the same phenomenon when I get my hair cut. Distorting mirrors?! Another question: how can you put on eye makeup when you need your glasses to see what you're doing?

Alison xx
Brenda Pruitt said…
Isn't that the truth! I've worn glasses since I was 13, and that was, as they say, many moons ago. Looking back at old photos makes me sort of cringe. But then, how do we evolve if there isn't change?
Unknown said…
I remember those 'Deirdre' glasses Liz and not sure why you dont want to post one of you at the moment.........go on be a devil ;-)
Perhaps when I get my new frames - and of course they will make me look gorgeous - I might post a photo then! (Or perhaps not! Ha ha)
Not sure how I missed this delightful post, but I love these photographs. As far as I'm concerned every photo is precious, and how wonderful that you have them. I wore glasses for a couple of years in grammer school, so I can relate. :)

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