My Granny

This is Lizzie - my Granny.

Lizzie - photo taken early 1950s

She was born in 1902 and died in 1997.
She and my Granda had a hard life, but they were wonderful people.

As I was looking at these photos recently, I noticed her handbag and had a rummage to find where I had put it.  I was given this handbag to play with when I was young.  I loved it because it made me feel grownup and the horse emblem used to be quite shiny. 

I would polish it when I was polishing my Brownie badge!

I hope one day (God willing) to have a grand-daughter that I can pass the bag on to.  I will also give her the photograph and tell her lovely stories about my Gran.

My lovely Gran!

Love, Liz

I was going to call this post "The Old Bag", but I thought that perhaps someone would not read it through and think the old bag was my Gran.  She'd have had something to say about that! (ha ha)


Sylvia said…
So nice that you have these pictures of your lovely grandparents and also your grandmother's handbag.
And that you played with the bag is such a lovely memory !
Your remark at the end makes me smile, my husband sometimes teases me and calls me an old bag :-)
Nice weekend, Liz !
Unknown said…
It's lovely that you have your Gran's handbag from the photo, she looks lovely. Life really is all about happy memories x Were you named after her?
Have a good weekend x
Thanks for your comments - yes, I was named after both my Grannies - Elizabeth Margaret.
Royal names too ... !
Ha! Old Bag! I think that would have been funny! But you're grandma was a beautiful woman. How nice that her purse brings back fond memories for you. Isn't it strange how mementoes can do that?


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