Scottish shortbread and a dire warning!!!!!!!

Phew ……….!!!!
Took a while, but I got there!
Warning - blogging can damage your pots and pans!!!!!!!

Was so engrossed in changing blog  last night that I totally forgot that I had put a pot of vegetables on to have with our tea (tea in Scotland can also mean your evening meal).  Suddenly there was an awful smell and I remembered!  The pot was totally black and the kitchen was full of smoke!  Had to put the pot outside, it was raining, so that helped.  Must be going blog crazy, because it did cross my mind (for one tiny second) to take a photo of burnt pot!!!!!!

Kitchen still reeks this morning!

So, after all that, what do you think of the new style blog?

shortbread mould

This strange wooden thing (also in header), that looks like a breadboard with a thistle on it is actually a shortbread mould.

look at the price - 1/6
Make your shortbread - this recipe is from an old Be-Ro Flour baking book - one of the most used recipe books in my collection.
Flatten onto mould - as in directions for Petticoat Tails
Remove from mould
Cut into little triangles

Perfect with a wee cuppa!

Oops …… what's that smell?????!!!!!!! (only joking)

Love, Liz


Catherine said…
I make my shortbreads , but i eat too much of them...can't stop!it's SO good!
Sindy said…
What a lovely shortbread mould--and the shortbread sounds so yummy and very easy to make--I will have to try it! I am embarassed to admit how many times I have left something cooking on the stove and got on the computer for just a minute, just a quick look, and suddenly get a whiff of burning food! I don't even have a blog, but love reading everyone else's, of course :)! Now I set my timer to break me out of my computer "trance" before anything starts burning.
Sindy :)
A timer sounds like a good idea!
Hi Liz...that was a close I can relate to...blogging can certainly be consuming...I just take the laptop in the kitchen with me:)...*love*'s yummy!

I like the look! That's a very pretty shortbread mould. I don't think shortbread is as popular in the States, but I do love it, too! I've only had store bought, but it looks easy to make. I'll have to try making my own, but I'll need to find a mould first!

Pam - no excuses about moulds(ha ha)! Just make the shortbread, put in a tray, and bake - very easy! Don't tell anyone, but I haven't baked it for years!
Alison W said…
Those BeRo recipe books are great! I'm not sure how many versions I've had as I use them till they fall apart. I notice the one you've photographed is pre-decimal....and still in use? You must be a much tidier baker than me!
Alison x
Karen Mills said…
Like the mould. I didn't know making shortbread was so easy must give it a try X

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