Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off!

Mary Queen of Scots was executed (by the axe) in 1587 on the orders of her cousin Queen Elizabeth I of England.

Mary Queen of Scots

Why am I telling you this useless piece of historical trivia?

Well, yesterday, writing about shortbread and how the little triangle pieces were called petticoat tails, started me wondering where that name came from.
I discovered that although shortbread had been around in Scotland for a very long time, it became more popular because it was Mary Queen of Scots' favourite.

There are a couple of reasons given for its name -

v  the name is a form of "petites gatelles" (or little cakes) much loved by Mary
v  it is in the shape of the pieces of fabric which were put together to make the underskirts worn in 16th century - you've probably seen pictures of the huge skirts worn in the time of Elizabeth I.

Catherine de Medici, Mary's mother in law
easy to see the shape of the skirt in this pic (Wikipedia)

Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

However when Elizabeth died, it was Mary's son, James (6th King James of Scotland, Ist King James of England) who succeeded to the throne! 

So there - how's that for a fitting end!!!!!

Could write several posts about the facinating life of Mary who was also Queen of France for a while ---------- maybe some other time. 

History boring??????  Don't think so!!!!!!

We used to sing a song when I was young "Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off" and we would decapitate a dandelion, daisy or buttercup!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
Hi Liz, thanks for your comment, your blog is really great and interesting too, how did they ever feel comfortable in those dresses? I'm a total comfort freak.
Sophie x
I agree - must have been really uncomfortable! How on earth did they sit down? Liz
Catherine said…
I love books and movies from the Elizabethan days. And anything about Henry VIII ~ classic! History of the throne ~ always enticing!

Happy Weekend!
I did not know this...history IS interesting:)
Sylvia said…
Nice to read this story !
Just read your previous post, oh my, a pan less but your new layout is beautiful !
Have a nice week,
Hi Liz-

What a fascinating piece of culinary history! I love to find out how things got named. Now whenever I eat shortbread in the triangle shape, I will think of those big skirts!

Anonymous said…
me too, Shortbread will now make me think of Mary Queen of Scot's petticoat tails. Thanks for doing this article Liz because I have to go to a Tudor Banquet tomorrow and I wasn't sure what people would like that I could bring that fitted the era, this is perfect!

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