Victorian Rose

Here's another wee glimpse of my home.

This is the ceiling rose in the hall.  I think this is an acanthus leaf design. 

The cornicing is very different from the others in the house - it is much more plain.

We have quite a high staircase.

I really like this light fitting.  The little shades on the light remind me of Lisa Simpson's dress! 

It is absolutely freezing here in Greenock today!  Glad to be indoors and warm.

Love, Liz

I'm hopefully going to be making some changes to the design of my blog - so if you can't find me (well, my blog), you'll know I wasn't successful!  Oops!


Catherine said…
VERY nice! let us see more of it!i'm impatient!

Your ceiling rose and cornice molding are SO beautiful! I'm so glad you found my blog, because now I found yours. I am going to really enjoy following you! :-)

Anonymous said…
Beautiful details, Liz. Love the ceiling rose... so pretty.
Just wanted to say thanks for your sweet comment on my blog... so glad you liked the music. I recently came across that song, Sweet Serendipity, on the radio and loved it! Glad you do too. :)
~ Jo

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