Good Finds!

Wow!  I had a great day yesterday!
Lunch with a lovely friend and a trip round a few charity shops. 
Can somebody tell me - are UK charity shops the same as US thrift stores?

Anyway - here's my haul …………………….

some sheet music and a book of music - wonderful cover

three volumes of an illustrated encyclopaedia, made in the USA
wonderful illustrations inside

and last, but not least the "Illustrated Family Doctor" which contains some very gruesome photographs and diagrams.  I think this book was probably published sometime in the 1930s.

Don't think I be looking for advice from this!

remember gymslips?

My task now is to:-

v scan some of the pics which I can then use in some creative way (hopefully)

v trawl through blogland and find an interesting way of displaying these finds to their best advantage - looking forward to this one!

Oh by the way, lang may yir lum reek means (literally), long may your chimney smoke - in other words, may you always have plenty of coal for your fire (or something like that)!

Love, Liz


Alison W said…
Never mind the gymslips - what about the gym knickers? Those dark navy, incredibly thick, shapeless garments which, in my antiquated school were worn for gym, netball etc both inside and in the playground - no silly shorts for us! At that time I was more athletic and I can still remember vividly the following incident. I was chosen to be part of a relay team to compete against other schools in a pre-match warm-up before the Scottish Cup Final at Hampden Park. Our Cloud Cuckoo Land teacher saw nothing wrong in sending us up the tunnel - you've guessed it - in our gym knickers. I can still remember the enthusiastic roar of appreciation which was not for our athletic prowess! I also remember the horror and humiliation as we reached the point of no return....but it did make us run faster, to get back to the changing room as fast as possible. This is a true story!

Alison x
Hi Alison - I'm sure you all looked wonderful! Ah, schooldays - the best days of your life?!?!

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