Normally, I Don't Do Running!

It has been one of those days!
I went into town today - Tuesday is usually when I do my rounds of the local charity shops ... except I usually go in the morning.  I was busy this morning doing some research for my other blog The Greenockian and before I knew it, it was lunchtime.  Undeterred I set off to walk into town.  Two thirds of the way in - it started to rain, and I really mean RAIN!  It poured.  Of course I hadn't taken my umbrella because it had been lovely and sunny when I set off.  I got soaked and my hair was an absolute mess - I had only just washed it this morning!

As soon as I got into town I realised that, of course, it was the school holidays - I hate going into town when there are loads of weans (kids) roaming about aimlessly - some attached to harassed parents!  But the charity shops beckoned - unfortunately every one I went into seemed to have a trio of wee old ladies - I think they were following me - who were cluttering up the space in front of the bric a brac exclaiming loudly to each other that "Oor Jean/Aggie/Senga used tae huv wan a'them!"  That's when my headache started!

Undeterred I went into the mall.  Wish I hadn't!  It was mobbed and the noise was horrendous.  I seemed to always be behind someone v---e---r---y slow.  Decided to head for home, but got myself a treat first - an Auld's fudge doughnut - they are delicious, but I try not to have one too often.  Today was an exception - I really deserved something sweet.  It has cream in the middle too!  The girl in the shop gave me my change from a £10 note in £1 coins!

I then went for the bus - it was at the stop and there was only one person waiting - I had to run.  Normally, I don't do running, but I was so desperate to get home that this was an exception.  Phew, managed.  Got off the bus and ... yup, you guessed, there was another heavy shower!  When I got in home my hair looked like some strange woven nesty thing!

Anyway - I've taken a couple of headache pills and had a cuppa with my fudge doughnut.  I'm not moving from the sofa for the rest of the day!

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
Not moving off the sofa for the rest of the day - sounds good to me!
sky-blu-pink said…
What a day! Great excuse for a doughnut though. No treats in the charity shops, then? Hope your headache is better.
Robyn of Oz said…
Sounds like you really deserved your treat Liz. Hope the headache goes soon.
gillyflower said…
Some days everything seems to go wrong! Well atleast you got to eat that lovely bun!
Hope your headache has gone.
Gill xx
RedSetter said…
Sofa sounds like a very sensible plan especially with a cuppa and a gooey doughnut. Makes the bad day melt away!
I read your post aloud to my husband and he just howled with laughter!
We decided you are definitely our kind of folk.
Oh, poor deserve that luscious little treat. It's pouring here, too. Buckets. Keep cozy. xo Karen
gilly said…
Oh dearie me - as they say! Sorry you had such a miserable day, but your story is very entertaining as I could just picture the scenes. Sometimes we just have days like that, but a wee cuppa and an Auld's treat will see you right every time. Hope today is loads better:-)
Vintage Jane said…
What a day ... poor you! I hope the doughnut improved things and today is better for you ... M x
Thanks for the giggle! I too dislike school holidays. Everything seems busier somehow. And I hate it when someone is hogging the area you want to look at in an op shop. I can't stand it when people have no sense of the fact they are in your way. And yep, I don't do running either. Too much jiggling which feels rather foreign. Xx
I hope that you are now recovered and that today will be a better day for you! xx

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