Clowns - Love Them or Hate Them?

For some reason there are many people who don't like clowns!  I suppose some folk won't even open up this post because they hate clowns so much.

I don't mind the one above, even though he looks a bit evil.

But this one ... no, there's something really odd about him, quite unsettling!

There were both given to my Mum many years ago and she kept them on her "display unit".  My younger son hated them, so she had to put them away when we came to stay.  But, funnily enough, after she died and I asked my sons if there was anything from Gran's house that they would like, he opted for these clowns!

Do you dislike clowns?

Love, Liz


Plain Jane said…
Eeeeeeeeeeooooooogggggh - yes! I always though it was strange that they chose a clown to represent Macdonalds and yet look how successful that's become! Off to look at some pictures of bunnies now to try and forget! Jane x
Vix said…
Can't say I'm a lover but our friends have 4 1960s psychedelic prints featuring clowns which I'd sell my right arm for! x
That's so cute that he wanted the clowns. It is a nice collection.
Mum said…
I'm not fussed either way but I agree with you about the second clown.
Love from Mum
sky-blu-pink said…
I rather like clowns. I remember collecting small Pierrot figures in my teens.
Anonymous said…
I do t think you can ever be neutral on this question. I don't like 'em. Maybe it was the movie, Poltergeist, that sealed it for me, or perhaps a host of other elements in pop culture (Tim Curry down the drainpipe, any one?), but I find them creeepy!
Anonymous said…
Clowns (shudder), something about them... x
Attila said…
I loathe them, especially the evil-faced glass one! I don't know if it's the make up; you can't see the real person; or the idea that they look happy but may be sad; I don't like it when people hide what they are inside. I am very bad at hiding my feelings if I feel strongly (but I do make myself change my feelings if I think I am in the wrong).
RedSetter said…
I'm not scared of clowns but was never impressed with clown routines. These two though I'll admit are a bit spooky.
Unknown said…
I love your clowns. When I was a teenager I collected the black and white ones that cried, can't remember what they're called! Sadly I now have a teenager that's terrified of them, so no more clowns for me! Have just discovered your Blog and really looking forward to reading more. Nice to find someone in Scotland, and not even that far from me in Ayrshire!
mamasmercantile said…
I am not a lover of clowns but I wouldn't go as far as to hate them my daughter collected them for years. Have a great Easter.
Curtise said…
I don't like them - not because I think they are scary or creepy, I just don't much like the image, and I certainly don't think they are funny! xxx
Anne said…
I find them slightly disturbing Liz! My next door neighbour collects them though and has lots and lots of them!
rue said…
I really don't like them, not sure why.
This post makes me laugh because my younger sister was terrified of clowns! We would go to the circus or some place that had clowns and she would hide behind me, crying. I had to 'protect' her from the clowns! She still hates them to this day. They are kind of creepy. xo Karen
ahomespunyear said…
Don't mind clowns myself...but I know people who are quite freaked out by them! Just found your blog...will be back to read more.x

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