Vintage View Two

The second issue of "A Vintage View" is out now and covers the era of the Roaring Twenties.  Once again it is a fabulous mix of items from the original Woman's Weekly magazines of the time.
The war was over and the influenza epidemic had done its worst.  More young women were finding independence through employment, and this freedom was expressed in the fashions of the times.  There are some fabulous pictures of flapper dresses and accessories as well as advice on hairstyles and beauty.  

One of my favourite ads is for a strange looking device which promise it will correct all ill-shaped noses!
There are the usual hints and tips one of which is how to disguise your dustbin, and who knew that fur could be cleaned in petrol?! 

Want to learn to tango?  Look no further than page 62 for a chart of how its done.  I can just imagine a couple of bright young things rolling back the rug, winding up the gramophone and following the instructions on these pages - might give it a go myself!
Of course no Woman's Weekly magazine would be complete without a selection of knitting and sewing patterns - including one for knitting your own silk knickers which don't look particularly comfortable to me! Wouldn't they stretch or even worse, shrink?!
I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait for the next issue.

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
What a wonderful looking magazine, I thought I might have a look at it when I go to the newsagents later today. I love the old vintage patterns, I have a vast collection that I love to browse through.
Curtise said…
Brilliant! Although I think I'll leave my ill-shaped nose as it is, thanks! xxx
I love to read old magazines, esp the ads.
Jo said…
Fabulous. Those adverts are really something, especially the ill shaped nose corrector.
RedSetter said…
We think we are so advanced but just a couple of generation's ago this madness passed for innovation. Must go now and howk up my saggy legged knitted knickers before I trip over them!
I am so glad that knitted knickers are no longer with us!!!! xx
Jacqui Wise said…
Looks like a good read. Think I'll pass on the knitted knickers and nose corrector though. Keep us updated on how your Tango lessons progress!
Vix said…
Brilliant, I can spend hours pouring over old ads! x
sky-blu-pink said…
Must get this. Loved the first one, on your recommendation. Think I will stick with my wonky nose, though!
Rachael said…
I could do with a dishwasher like that!
Connie said…
I just love the 1920's. This is all such hysterical advice. Really what should I do about my dustbin? And whom will notice my misshapen nose when I'm scratching my itchy knitted knickers? You have to admit, though, that photos of women in the 1920's show them to be a pretty attractive bunch.
Robyn of Oz said…
Knitted silk? It would have to be a fine ply with very skinny needles. It would be wonderful if a museum had some examples. Fabulous stuff, Liz. :)
I do love the styles back then - the pretty bobs and dropped waist dresses. I suppose you would have to be rather tall and slim to carry off that look, though. Amazing that they had dishwashers back then. Knitted knickers seem like they might get in a twist rather easily! :) xo Karen

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