A Beautiful Brooch

I seem to have kept a lot of bits and pieces which I've had since I was young and this includes broken bits of jewellery that I can't bear to throw away.  I think that's why I love Louise Pringle's Eclectic Shock jewellery so much.  She makes all sorts of wonderful creations from vintage bits and pieces mixed with other things.

When I saw this brooch on Louise's Facebook page - I know that it was just what I was looking for and was lucky enough to be able to buy it.

The watch actually works.  It is going to look great on my spring jacket - if only the weather here in Greenock would get nice enough for me to wear it! 

You may remember I bought some earrings from Louise a while ago.  They are still firm favourites and go with just about everything.  Check out more of Louise Pringle's work here.
Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
Wow! What a statement piece, very nice.
It looks lovely, just my sort of thing. I'm off to have a look now xx
Terra said…
This brooch is an art work, I like the lion, and the fabric is pretty; is that your jacket? This will be a fashion statement, perfect for work, play or church.
What a gorgeous brooch....love it!! Sarah xo
Vix said…
What a lovely idea, it looks fab! x
Great brooch! Perhaps you will be inspired to create one of your own from your bits and pieces! Hope that you love wearing your brooch! xx
Anne said…
Very unusual and definitely a statement piece!
Very nice brooch and it looks wonderful on your pretty plaid coat. I have always admired artists like this that can turn bits of this and that into works of art. xo Karen
Biba said…
I love Louise's art too! I've got one of her necklaces and love it to bits! Your brooch is absolutely stunning - and so is the jacket (or whatever the beautiful check garment actually is ...).

Hope the weather in your corner of the world improves :)
Miss Marple said…
Lovely brooch just bought a necklace from there.
Olga Rani said…
Indeed, what a beautiful and unique brooch!
sky-blu-pink said…
Great piece! I love making kilt pin brooches. I have a few I have made recently - will blog them soon.
Patricia said…
Ooh I do love this Liz. It's gorgeous and very unique.

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