Swapping Scraps

Ok - looks like this blog is becoming a bit of a nostalgia-fest!

Do you remember these?  Scraps - although we used to call them mottoes.  These are my original ones - found them in an old Yardley's Red Roses Soap box. 
We would put our mottoes in an old book, take them to school and swap them at playtime.  If I remember correctly, you put the ones you wanted to swap up to the top of the page, slightly sticking out and exchanged books with your friends to decide which ones you wanted.
Do you remember trying to collect sets - like some in the picture, you could get different sizes and having one of each size was amazing - I'd never swap those!
My most favourite one is the little girl with the red hat and basket of flowers - I really loved her and would never in a million years swap her.  The rather tattered baby was also a favourite.
Ah …. the simple pleasures of youth!

Love, Liz


Alison W said…
Boys today still collect football cards/stickers and similar sets....but do girls nowadays collect anything like that?

Alison x
Unknown said…
Loved swapping my scraps happy days.

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