Tonight is Burns Night

Its Burns Night tonight so I'm going all out Scottish today!

Here's another wee Burns poem - think you'll like this one, shows that Burns had a sense of humour.

The discrete hint

Lass, when your mither is frae hame,
May I but be sae bauld
As come to your bower window,
And creep in frae the cauld?
As come to your bower window,
And when it's cold and wat,
Warm me in thy fair bosom, -
Sweet lass, may I do that?

Young man gin ye should ba sae kind,
When our gudewife's frae hame
As come to my bower window,
Whare I am laid my lane,
To warm thee in my bosom, -
Tak' tent, I'll tell thee what,
The way to me lies through the kirk, -
Young man, do ye hear that?

That told him!

Wherever in the world you are, if you are off to a Burns Supper tonight - have a great time!

Love, Liz


Karen Mills said…
I went to a brilliant alternative Burns Supper. I didn't happen to see you there did I?XXX
Hi Karen. Could have been me! Love your profile picture flower!
Hello Liz;
I remember my Husbands Parents talking about Robbie Burns. Remind me what its about. And what do you usually serve for Dinner? Would it be Haggis? I hope you don't mind me asking.
Have a A Wonderful Day!
Hi Jill. I'm glad you asked. Robert Burns (1759-1796) is Scotland's national poet. There's lots of information on him at I'll email you with more details.

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