Colourful lorikeets

I came across these photographs recently and thought I’d share this story with you.

lorikeets preening

We spent a couple of weeks on holiday in Brisbane, Australia a couple of years ago and rented a holiday home.  Every morning and evening a group of lovely lorikeets would visit, and every day I said that I must get some photographs of them to take home - and then promptly forgot.  I think that they are beautiful birds. 

On our second last evening, I had a headache so I stayed home while the others went out.  Sitting reading, I heard this tremendous noise – the lorikeets had arrived and were being very vocal.  After a while, I thought I’d better go and see what was happening, as the noise was getting louder and louder.  I thought that a cat had perhaps come into the garden and had attacked one of the birds.  But no!  There, sitting on the veranda was this little bird.  He saw me, but didn’t fly away.  I rushed to get my camera, thinking that by the time I got back he would be gone.  Fortunately he was still there.

I started taking photographs, and it was almost as if he was posing for me – I couldn’t have asked for a better subject.  After I had taken a few photographs, they all flew off.  I really felt that they had put on a show just for me!

A lovely memory of a wonderful holiday.

Love, Liz


Brenda Pruitt said…
Wow, this would have most certainly tickled me to death to have the chance to get pics like that! Gorgeous birds!
Hi Brenda. Thanks for commenting and becoming a follower. These birds are so cute, aren't they! Liz
Sweet Pea said…
Hi Brenda, found your blog through Artful your story about the lorikeets.
They are Rainbow Lorikeets and live all along the east coast of Australia. We have a family in our local area. See my blog for the antics they get up to on our veranda.
I love your teapot!

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