Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone - may 2011 bring all you wish for!

Didn't even stay up for the Bells - went to bed about 10.30 and just about had a heart attack when the fireworks started at midnight!  But managed to sleep through the rest of the night.

Today I'm just chilling and listening to music (at the moment its Devil's Arcade by Bruce Springsteen) - what a way to spend an afternoon.  My other half is making dinner later - lamb, not the customary Scottish new year favourite - steak pie.  We'll have that tomorrow when number 2 son arrives back.

Have a great day.

Love, Liz


Florrie said…
Beautiful illustrations and you are going to make me homesick with the photos Liz! You are so clever so look forward to following you on your blog journey :)
By the way, Dad is here from Scotland doing the garden and we have decided to abide a while at Kaikora B&B. Have got a full house over the weekends of February.... as well as the full job!

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