Ellis Island

I've just finished reading Ellis Island by Kate Kerrigan, and I really enjoyed it.  It’s the story of Ellie, a young Irish woman and her childhood sweetheart, John. 

Set against the backdrop of rural poverty in 1920s Ireland, it moves to the fast-paced lifestyle of New York where Ellie works for a while.

Its an interesting book and dwells on the themes of love, family and home. 

Worth a read.

Love, Liz


Kate Kerrigan said…
Thanks for the great review Liz. Just finished the sequel which should be out later this year. I've got a view of the sea - so sounds like we both live in pretty idyllic places. If you're interested my blog is at http://katekerriganauthor.blogspot.com/
...and thanks again.
Kate. x

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