Vintage dresser - favourite things

I just love the way my dresser looks right now with all my vintage china and crafted bits and pieces on it.

Sometimes it is difficult to get it just right, but it makes me happy right now.

No doubt as the seasons change, so will the dresser.

I thought I'd make a little video so that I could remember what it looks like in case I make a hash of it next time I change it.  (Yes, a bit of a glass half empty sort of person!)

You can see that video on YouTube here.

Love, Liz


Lots of lovely things to look at in your dresser, Liz! It has to be "just so" for me as well, and I keep rearranging things until it looks perfect to me. Then, when my husband does the dusting - which I'm thankful for, I hasten to add - it never looks right when he puts things back :-) xxx
cristina said…
Oh, it looks lovely and I am so envious on you, girls, 'coz you have so many china in your country! I can hardly find one in mine, mostly in second hand shops.
Absolutely eye-catching Liz!. I do like the way you have arranged it and the fairy lights make it all look so special, as I am sure it is. Really lovely sewing box. The cross stitch certainly makes it stand out! I am popping over to see your video. Keep well. Amanda x

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