My First Book

Well, no ... I don't exactly mean that this was my own first book!  It is the name of this cute little book that I have on my bookshelf.  Vintage now, of course but with the lovliest illustrations by Valerie Hodge and Roger Hall.

It is from the  Big Time Wonder Book Read With Me series of books.  I have some others which I have previously written about on this blog - here.

I was looking for some honey related things about the house because I wanted to show you my progress on my latest cross stitch - Honey Hill Hamlet by Artful Offerings.  I've nearly finished the houses.  

The little honey dish was given to me years ago.  Don't think I've ever used it for honey, though!  Don't tell anyone, but I'm not that fond of honey!  Do you like it?

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love, Liz

(My First Book was printed in the UK for the publisher Peter Haddock Ltd, Bridlington.  William Collins Sons & Co Ltd.)


sprite966 said…
I love old books, your cross stitch is looking great😊
The illustrations in that vintage book are absolutely delightful. I've got a couple of my own childhood books salvaged from the parental home, and I love looking at the illustrations, which I remember so well from way back.
Your cross stitch houses are delightful too! xxx
NanaDiana said…
I had a copy of that book years ago. I wish I had held on to some of the children's books I had. Yours is a treasure. xo Diana

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