Keeping track

I don't know about you, but the days just seem to be flying by, even although we are in strict lockdown! With all the days being mostly the same - no meet ups with friends, days out or other events to mark the passing of time, I'm having trouble remember what day it is, nevermind what the date is!  So when I saw this - The Needlework Enthusiast's 2021 Book of Days by Needlework Press last year, I thought that it would be just the thing for me to keep track of the days and what stitching I've been doing.

It is a beautiful book.  Each month is spread across two pages and there's lots of room for filling in what's been accomplished each day.  I decided that I would include my crochet and knitting along with my cross stitch in the book.

I've decorated January with some pretty washi tape, stickers and stamps - got this idea from fellow stitchers on Instagram and Facebook.  Just makes it look pretty.  For each month there are also some lovely old drawings and some sayings from old needlework samplers - so inspiring.

I got my book in December on a pre-order from Patchwork Rabbit.  I checked recently and it seems to be out of stock there at the moment.  (But go visit and check out their cross stitch patterns, threads and fabrics!)

So - hopefully, I'll be better organised (haaa - highly unlikely!) and able to see what projects I've need to work on.  By the way - the background crochet is my progress on my new granny square blanket.  Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and encouraging words on my last post.  I don't have any friends who craft, so it is great to "talk" to others who enjoy crafting as much as I do.  Thank you!

Stay well, stay safe and keep blogging, my friends!

Love, Liz


Catherine said...

Very nice book and very useful !
I have to watch my phone everyday to know which day we are. Not going out and no visitors is quite difficult as I had a surgery and had to stay home since September.
But keeping busy helps.
I love Scotland , beautiful sceneries.
Take care

Miss Kim said...

What a delightful calendar!

Olde Dame Holly said...

What a pretty journal, and valuable, too. Helps so much with keeping track and looking back on memories. I can track each day better than at first during the lockdown because I go to Mass every day since I lost my job in the summer(COVID lockdown so damaged our already horrible economy here). But I still get mixed up and yesterday planned on the wrong Mass, which isn't held on Thursdays at that particular church!

Polyester Princess said...

Although we are no longer in strict lockdown here in Belgium, the days are indeed mostly the same, and I too am losing track of time!
What a wonderful book to mark the days and keep up with your projects! xxx

Vix said...

I love that book! x

Rosie said...

The book is a lovely way to keep track of all those days that are passing by so quickly. I too get confused as to what day it is:)

Granny Marigold said...

Very lovely journal/calendar.

Chrissie said...

What a very pretty way to keep track of your projects day by day, so hard to keep track of the days as they go by so quickly xcx

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