Colourful crochet comfort

Ok, I admit - I find it difficult to throw away even the smallest piece of yarn!  Well. you never know when you might need it - right?  I think that time might have come around!

I've really missed my crochet since I finished the autumnal blanket, and I wanted to start another. I found crochet really calming and relaxing last week.  Only problem is that I have lots and lots of small amounts of yarn and not an awful lot of big balls!  So what to do?

I was wondering if I should wait until yarn shops open again here in my part of Scotland, but can't wait to start crocheting again!  So, here's my plan!  I've set aside the blue yarn that I have loads of - that will do for the surrounds.  All the other little bits and pieces can then be used to make the middle of the granny squares.

What do you think?  Should I wait until I can get more supplies and make it a more "structured" blanket using just five or seven colours, or should I just go ahead with what I've got - even if it means that every colour under the sun will be in this blanket?  Will it look too messy?

Anyway, desperate times call for desperate measures!  Right?  Hope you are keeping safe and well.  Keep crafting and keep blogging!

Love, Liz


Jo said…
I'd say go for it! Sometimes the most unexpected colour combinations are the most exciting. My mum has been making stripey socks with her yarn scrap stash and they look fantastically jazzy!
Jo said…
I love hotchpotch blankets made up from oddments of yarn, they're a riot of colour and look so cheerful.
Faith said…
I save them too, little bits of scrappy make lovely vintagy granny squares, all bits of color pops. The granny square is perfect for just for use of these no rhyme or reason colors, very unstructured and lovely whatever you have on hand thats what they did back in the day that made it so lovely.
Sounds like a great idea, Liz. All these little odds and ends would be perfect for a wonderful mix of granny squares. I'd get stuck in if I were you, especially if crocheting makes you relax. After all, if you wait until the yarn shops are open again, you'll only create even more leftover bits and pieces :-) xxx
50 and counting said…
I just sorted out my work basket. Last year I made a mitred square blanket to get rid of some of my sock stash.

I'm debating a granny square or another mitred square to use up my surplus acrylic.
Olde Dame Holly said…
I think the mix of colors will look wonderful!
Caz.P. said…
Just start making your granny squares.I have been using my stash and have made enough squares for the 2 fronts of a cardigan. However I have mostly used it now, so I will probably have to buy some plain wool for the back. On the good side its quicker than knitting!
mamasmercantile said…
What a great idea to use up all the scraps of yarn that you have. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Constance said…
I think you should definitely go for it. All of the colors are lovely and I adore the blue. I know here in America some of our most treasured textiles were made in difficult times with what ever was on hand and they are not only beautiful but well loved and sought after by collectors. I'm sure your blanket will be amazing and I look forward to seeing it.

Take care,
happy hooker said…
Just go for it. I made a "Covid" lap blanket during the first lockdown using bits and bobs. It's warm, cosy and reminds me more of the community spirit rather than the horrible virus. xx
Chrissie said…
All the colours will make a lovely, interesting blanket and the best part is you get to enjoy making it xcx

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