Burns Night

Tonight in Scotland and across the world Burns Night will be celebrated.  Robert Burns (1759-1796) is Scotland's national poet.  Perhaps one of his most famous works is "Auld Lang Syne" traditionally sung at the new year.  Last year I stitched a quote from this song and finally got around to making it into a little pillow.  (It was a free chart from Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery here.)

My hometown of Greenock has a particular connection to Robert Burns.  He was due to leave from here to take up a job as an overseer on a plantation in Jamaica.  His sweetheart Mary Campbell, or Highland Mary as she is now known was to travel with him.  Unfortunately her brother was unwell so she stopped off in Greenock to look after him.  He recovered, but Mary died and was buried in Greenock.  There is a monument to her in Greenock Cemetery.  You can read more about her in a post in my local history blog - The Greenockian (click on link).

I'm sure there will be lots of virtual Burns Suppers taking place over the next few weeks.  These suppers follow a very traditional pattern of food and entertainment.  You can read more about them here.

Love, Liz


Granny Marigold said...

I have an ex-son-in-law who will be having haggis tonight. Other than that I had a brother who was born on this day many years ago but he's not with us any more.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I had not heard of these Burns Suppers! I am going off to read about them now. Sounds very intriguing!

Polyester Princess said...

I'd obviously heard of Burns Night, but had no idea of its significance. How intriguing that your hometown has a connection to Robert Burns! xxx

Catherine said...

Very interesting post.
I like the little pillow you have done.
Going to your history blog!

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