Beautiful books

Before Christmas and the subsequent lockdown, I was lucky enough to nab two beautiful books in local charity shops.

The first is The Illustrated Cider With Rosie by Laurie Lee (ISBN 0091872839).  The cover didn't look too promising, but inside are some wonderful illustrations and photographs which complement the text.  It is a lovely book.  I'm sure many of you will be familiar with the novel, but I think that having the illustrations really adds to the enjoyment of the story.  This cost me just £1!

My second great find was Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden (ISBN 0-7181-1581-3).  I remember in the late 1970s when this was quite a sensation.  I'm sure many grannies and aunties got this for Christmas when it was first published.  Once again the illustrations are just lovely - I certainly would not have appreciated them in the 70s - after all, I was a mere baby (ahem)!!!  But for £1.99 I'm loving them now.  

Hope you are keeping safe and well.  

Love, Liz


What a beautiful edition of Cider with Rosie, and I've got the Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady in my collection as well. The illustrations are gorgeous! xxx
Olde Dame Holly said…
You got some real bargains there! I do remember when the "Diary" came out - long ago now!
Jean said…
I read cider with Rosie at school but the illustrations definitely add to it. I have had the other book for years and still dip into it. Well done on your finds. I'm missing the charity shops.
Faith said…
Hi Liz, thank you for stopping over my place and leaving a comment, I sure do appreciate it. The Diary book looks interesting, I might have to look around for that, I doubt they have it at the local Library. I'm going to have a look around here at your place, but wanted to make sure I returned the visit.
Miss Kim said…
Those are gems!
Carin said…
Great books you found.
Granny Marigold said…
I wouldn't have been able to resist buying Cider with Rosie (even though I've never heard if it before), it looks like a real find. I have The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, in fact, I have 2 copies. One is in poor condition and I use that one for cutting up.

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