Blooming marvelous!

My windowsill geranium is absolutely full of blooms at the moment.  It is absolutely gorgeous!

It is a north facing window, so get lovely early morning sun then plenty of light for the rest of the day.

The geranium obviously loves it!  There are still lots of unopened flower-heads.

For me, the beauty of nature is helping to make these difficult times bearable.

Love, Liz


I love geraniums and always have some growing in pots and hanging baskets. I've got two that survived after I left them out in their pots over Winter. They have both developed flower buds, so I'm a happy bunny! Yours is such a gorgeously delicate pink! xxx
NanaDiana said…
I love geraniums. They are such sturdy wonderful plants and easy care. I always have some outside in the summer and often overwinter them. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day- xo Diana

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