It's the little things!

I was clearing out a cupboard recently and came across this gorgeous little wooden sewing box that I had totally forgotten about.  It was empty because I could never think about what to do with it.  I took it downstairs and gave it a good clean, then got to work!

The wooden box has a little glass shelf with wooden lid.  It already came with some vintage sewing items in this, which is what I think made me buy the box in the first place - I had such plans for the inside (about eight years ago!).  Anyway, I set to work.

The box came with these already in the lid section.

First thing I did was find a cross stitch piece that could fit on the inside of the lid.  This stitched sewing machine which I probably did in the 90s fitted the bill perfectly.  It was stitched on white Aida and looked a bit too "pristine" so I dunked it in some tea to "age" it slightly.  Backed with some cardboard, it fitted perfectly and also acts as a pin cushion.

I lined the bottom of the box with some ginham fabric.

Next I made a little fob for my extra cross stitch scissors.  Again it was something I had stitched years ago.  So I just backed it with some floral fabric and added ribbon.  I attached some safety pins so that I could always find them if necessary.

Next - an inch tape - held together with a pretty bow on an elastic band and some reels of thread.
Then a small pin cushion that I made years ago.  I included two already threaded needles on this.  I can cross stitch for hours each day, but when it comes to mending or taking up hems, that seems to take weeks for me to get around to.  So I thought that if there was a needle already threaded - I might get things done a bit quicker!

So now, not only does the box look pretty, but it also is very useful.  It contains everything I need to do a bit of mending if required.  I'm quite pleased that I've accomplished a long overdue overhaul!

Love, Liz


Donna G. said…
Such a cute sewing box.
You've definitely made that pretty box look even better! What a wonderful project! I've been discovering things I've forgotten about too during lockdown. xxx
Julie said…
A lovely box and filled with such delights. You did a great job.

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