Time to stitch

Isn't it great to take a deep breath and realise that the hustle and bustle is over!  I decided to take a trip to my local needlework shop today and top up on supplies before the great Scottish New Year extravaganza!  Next Wednesday and Thursday are holidays here in Scotland and the whole country just about comes to a standstill!

Anyway, hubby and I are having a very quiet time and so I wanted to make sure I had enough thread for a couple of new stitching projects I have in mind. Also got these gorgeous scissors from there earlier this year - aren't they cute?  They also come in pink, blue and purple.

I love visiting Sandra in my LNS (local needlework shop) - Hearts and Stitches.  She's so lovely and friendly.  If you are ever going to be visiting Greenock they you must go in and say hello.  She sells lots of other stitching related bits and pieces as well as yarn and cross stitch kits.  Knitting, crochet and cross stitch will see me into 2020.  Can't think of anything I'd rather do!

Christmas Thoughts
I don't know about you, but for me, expectations very often exceed reality and that was certainly the case this year.  To be honest I was too tired on Christmas Day to really enjoy it.  Preparing the house and meals for family who were staying for a few days, cooking the turkey and trimmings and hoping that everyone would enjoy it really sapped my energy.  Getting old!  Next year Christmas Day will be very quiet with no bustle and no high expectations or worry about anyone else except hubby and I.  Is that selfish?

Love, Liz


Vix said…
That angel is adorable! Enjoy your stitching. I had a lovely day with the sewing machine yesterday. xxx
Crimson Kettle said…
It's nice to have a peaceful project to look forward to after all the razzamatazz. We've had hospital visits interspersed with the festivities this year which has been really tiring. I loved seeing everyone though.
Sheila said…
There's just something so nice about new threads lined up ready for a new project. I am trying to decide on which of my new charts I am going to start with.
Not selfish at all to want a quiet Christmas. I have spent a good forty years entertaining and cooking for various relatives over the years and I am done. Now it's just Andy, Roz and myself and it's lovely.
Catriona said…
Husband and I always have Christmas together as our daughter and her husband go off somewhere warm. I find it quite hard after all the years when I worked full time and still managed to host Christmas for around twelve people. We are grateful to be able to enjoy each others company after nearly 50 years and are currently sitting reading while listening to the radio. Happy stitching!
Christina said…
Not at all selfish, I am sorry to read you were too tired to enjoy your Christmas Day, after spending so much time and effort preparing for it. I hope your wish for a quiet and peaceful Christmas will come true next year. Enjoy your crafty Hogmanay, it sounds just perfect.
Elaine said…
Not selfish at all, I think many of us can relate to the amount of effort and sheer exhaustion you describe, I know that I have certainly suffered from it.
(Even as a child I always enjoyed Boxing Day more than the big event because I could spend the time reading my Christmas annuals and settling down with my new Enid Blyton adventure story, while tucking into whatever remained from my selection box!)
Even though I no longer embroider, I must admit that sight of your new silks and gorgeous scissors makes my heart beat a little faster with excitement at the prospect of a new project. Have fun with it. Enjoy your new year celebrations.
Stitching sounds like a lovely way to ring in the new year! We had a quiet Christmas and even Christmas Day itself, celebrated at my stepson's with my husband's children and grandchildren, was totally relaxed. No cooking, and just one present to buy each. I totally get it that you prefer a quiet Christmas yourself next year, and no, I don't think that's selfish! xxx
Sounds like a fun shop! I understand about being tired...
Susanne said…
That thread is a lovely spectrum of colors, can't wait to see what you do. Yesterday, I just ordered myself a printed cross-stitch project in anticipation of January's hibernation.

On the other point: It is not at all selfish, Christmas expectations are always overblown. I myself "hit the Christmas wall" as I told my sister-in-law, and was feeling exactly as you described. Luckily it hit early enough that I regrouped and was in quite the festive mood for big day.

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