Exciting starts

I know, getting excited about cross stitch - really????  I can't help it!

New Year - new starts.  I had ordered some cross stitch patterns from 123 Stitch in America which arrived on Christmas Eve.  I kept them till after my visitors had left before I opened them (deferred gratification)! Wow it was worth it!

I got a couple of Christmas small project to complete before next Christmas ... (yes, well we'll see about that)!  Love the Lizzie Kate "Tiny Tidings" aren't they sweet?

Then I ordered some fabric - 16 count opal aida to stitch these pretty little houses on.  "Christmas House Trio" by Waxing Moon Designs - look at the cute wee Santa above the house!  Can't wait to stitch these - love stitching houses.

I also got another Lizzie Kate pattern "Spring Smalls" - guess what - literally couldn't wait to start these so I went ahead and I've almost finished this pretty Spring stitch.  Look at the cute little charm and buttons that go with these - gorgeous!

Got a lap stand (from Amazon) from Hubby for Christmas, should help with larger projects.  Hubby also must have been listening, because he got me a gift certificate from 123 Stitch.  Looking forward to ordering a few more new patterns and fabric.  Lucky me!

So, how am I spending the first morning of the New Year - well I'm cleaning out my oven after its takeover by a giant turkey at Christmas.  Been putting it off!  But can't start the year with the thought of cleaning it looming over me!  Went to bed early last night and didn't wait up for "The Bells" as we call the start of New Year here in Scotland.  However, I'm excited for my new starts, both in stitching and for the year.

Hope you all have a wonderful 2020!

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
I just love Lizzie Kate charts so I can understand your excitement.
I have new charts from The Little Stitcher and Little Dove (Etsy PDF's) and have started on Santa Claus Is Coming To Town by The Little Stitcher. My aim is to complete twenty Christmas projects in 2020....some big and some small but whatever they be I shall thoroughly enjoy stitching them.
Wishing you a very happy and creative new year.
R's Rue said…
Happy New Year. 😀👍❤️
Vix said…
Happy New Year, Liz!!
I can't be bothered with all that NYE stuff either although it sounded like I'd gone back in time and was in the trenches during WW1 after I went to bed.
How exciting to have those lovely projects to look forward to! xxx
50 and counting said…
Happy New Year!

Glad you are going to start on something you enjoy. I have a Christmas stocking to cross stitch and it keeps getting marked "next year" lol.

I'm going to finish a Christmas 2017 cardigan I promised my DIL. I need peace and quiet to get that done.
Maggie said…
Lovely new charts, I especially love the Waxing Moon ones :-)
I have a few charts all kitted up and ready to go, no more buying for a while for me, i have enough to keep me going, lol
Connie said…
Cross stitch is something that I've never tried, but your patterns are so pretty. Have fun stitching and happy New year.
mamasmercantile said…
Happy New Year. We didn't wait up for the bells either.
Happy New Year, Liz! I made it past "The Bells", if only just. I can surely imagine you getting excited about those new cross stitch patters, which I'm also sure will provide hours of fun! xxx
Julie said…
Santa delivered some really great charts for you to stitch this new year, what a great selection.
I too have one of those lap stands, its really useful and you can stitch two handed and quicker.
Happy New Year!
Arlene G said…
You have some charts I have stitched and I really enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by Nanaland. I so enjoy chatting with my stitchy blog friends on Saturday Stitching.

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