Vintage pink tea cosy

I've been busy knitting - guess what - yes, tea cosies!

First of all this lovely pink and purple one - looks great with my vintage Pink Vogue bone china.

Then I opted for a cosy in various shades of green with a bright green pom pom.

Fits in well with this lovely green holly cake tin.

Hope you like them!

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
Both gorgeous Liz but I have to admit to a bit of a love affair with the green one :)
Hugs......and have a wonderful Christmas-x-
Crimson Kettle said…
So pretty, you can never have enough tea cosies. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas full of cups of tea and mince pies. x
busybusybeejay said…
I love the green one.Really unusual.

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