Tales That History Tells

I came across these fabulous little vintage books recently.

They are history books for children called Tales That History Tells.  I managed to find parts 7 and 8.

They were written by Evelyn Smith and have illustrations by A Gordon.  They were published in 1936 by The Grant Educational Co., Ltd, London and Glasgow.

They tell history in a simple but informative way and have wonderful black and white illustrations and maps throughout.

Each book has one colour plate.

What a great find!  Aren't they wonderful!

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
What treasures.
Old books always have such beautiful illustrations.
I love vintage children's books, and the illustrations in these two are utterly beautiful. Thanks for sharing Liz! xxx
Kim said…
What gorgeous little vintage books, retelling history to children. Love the sweet illustrations.
Julie said…
Old books are full of great character and I do like the grammar in them, great find.

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