Cosy crochet

Think it is time to use up some of the leftover yarn from my knitting - and what better way of doing that than by indulging in some cosy crochet.

Going to make up some granny squares and join them all together in a gorgeous, cosy, colourful blanket.

By the time I get around to joining them together, it will keep my nice and cosy and warm as I work - pefect!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Love, Liz


Kim said…
Your granny squares are lovely. Oodles of these colourful squares will look fabulous joined together to make a blanket. Such a cosy pretty to keep you warm in the colder months as you happily crochet your days and nights away.
AlisonB43 said…
Is it as long ago as I am thinking since you made a granny blanket? I am sure you used to make them quite often. I am currently using up my oddments making a granny square blanket for charity, don't think it will be as nice as yours though.
Julie said…
Lovely way to brighten up the duller months of the year

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