Sunbonnet Girls

I got this book at the weekend because I wanted to try something different now that I've (mostly) finished off the projects which were lying around waiting for some TLC!  It is a book of vintage hand embroidery patterns "More Sunbonnet Girls" by Vicki Becker.

I wanted to try my hand at embroidery and learn some new stitches.  I love cross stitch, but wanted a challenge.  Think the patterns in this book fit the bill.

They are so pretty and each pattern comes in three sizes so that you can adapt it to whatever project you are doing.  There are instructions for transferring the pattern to fabric and the simple stitches required for this embroidery and I think that this would also be great for applique.  It also gives instructions for putting together several small projects.  I'm looking forward to starting one of these little sunbonnet girls - the difficulty will be deciding which one to do first!  They are all so cute.

Reminded me of a lovely vintage embroidered tablecloth and teapot I have - except they have a crinoline lady on them ... slightly similar?!?!  See more of these here.

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
What a lovely book and a great way to learn new stitches.
butterfly said…
Love your new book and stitch , it,s so pretty .
I love these little girls.
Tanza Erlambang said…
beautiful designs.
have a great day
So much cuteness, how will you be able to choose? I also love the embroidered crinoline lady and matching teapot! xxx
A lovely book of pretty projects to play with. Enjoy. I do love your beautiful teapot and cloth x
Vagabonde said…
I just left a comment on A Rich Tapestry and saw your name there. Sunbonnet is a classic quilt pattern here in the US. I was telling A Rich Tapestry that I loved the tea cosy she had on her post. I have bunch of yarn back in the house in Atlanta and did not know if I would move it to Nashville, but if I could find a tea cosy pattern I might try to knit one, although I have not used my knitting needles in several years. I was so pleased to see your tea cosies, they are very pretty.
Crimson Kettle said…
Your vintage embroidery looks so familiar, my Mum may well have had one like it. It's great to have a new project and the book looks fun.
Julie said…
A delightful book, pretty hand stitched tablecloth too.

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