Will they grow?

Can't believe we are into February - doesn't time fly!
I've been so distracted by new kitchen installation and knitting, that I failed to notice my poor houseplant in the corner had dramatically seeded or is this its flower?!  This plant is 5' high and about 30 years old!

I usually cut these seed thingies off the minute I realise that they are not new leaves, but apart from watering the poor thing, it and it's daughter plant in the next room, have really been neglected recently.  So, it has a pletora of what I presume are seeds?!

Can any of you lovely fellow bloggers please enlighten me?  What is this plant called (I call it the palm plant thingy)?  Are these seeds?  Will they grow if I plant them?  Should I cut them off when I see that they are not new leaves?  What can I do to hide the long stem?

So many questions!

Love, Liz


Jane said…
Your plant looks like a parlour palm. I'm no good at growing houseplants, but you can look it up on the internet and there's loads of information. Best, Jane :)
It is a chamaedorea elegans an those are its flowers. Very easy to care for plant. I have a reasonably neglected one for yonks and it's still going strong. They are also called a parlour palm.
Julie said…
I've got one of those plants, I cut the seed stems off. Mine looks very bedraggled. No help at all!!!
Daisy Debs said…
I think it might be a Kentia Palm and those are flower buds ..no don't cut them off ! Wait till they finish ...I think it is quite unusual for it to flower indoors ...sometimes plants flower when they are stressed ..but yours looks very elegant ,lovely and healthy . You have greenfingers for sure ! Debbie :) x
I couldn't possibly give you advice, Liz, as I'm absolutely terrible with houseplants. I think I've managed to kill all the houseplants I ever got, except for Aspidistra. But I'm dying to know whether these are seeds of flower heads, so I'll check into your post later to see if someone has been helpful in shedding light on the question! xxx
Lilly's Mom said…
What a lovely houseplant! I think it may be a parlor palm. Here's a link I found: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/parlor-palm/planting-parlor-palm-seeds.htm
Pam said…
Ooh, I hope it is a parlour palm. I have a young one of those and fingers crossed it will flower, those spikes will look good in an arrangement.

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