I blame my Granny!

I adore vintage china!  My collection started with a few pieces of my Granny's china which no one else wanted after she died.  I took them to display on my Welsh dresser and of course to remind me of her.  But there were gaps on the dresser and they needed to be filled!  Visiting charity shops soon opened my eyes to the wonderful assortment of vintage china available.  In those days, around 2011, whole tea sets could be bought for two or three pounds.  I don’t remember there being any vintage tea rooms or cafes around in this area, and certainly nowhere offering traditional afternoon tea (although without the added Prosecco that is popular now).  So, I was able to indulge my passion without having to spend too much money.

Royal Albert Greenwood Tree
Before I knew it, I needed more storage!  What better than a vintage china cabinet like my Granny used to have – perfect for showing off my growing collection.  I bought one for about five pounds and set about painting it white to make it a bit more acceptable.  Then I had the joyous task of arranging my lovely tea sets to their best advantage in the cabinet.  The addition of gorgeous little fairy lights made it perfect, well in my eyes anyway.  Needless to say, a few years later, I had to buy another cabinet to show off my later bargains. 

It is almost impossible for me to say what my favourites are.  The great thing is that I can look back at my blog and see when and where I bought each piece.  Some are more special because, once friends and relatives knew that I was collecting china, I was offered sets that they did not want.  These mean something to me.

Royal Cauldon
Tea tastes extra special when drunk from a gorgeous cup.  Some are just so pretty – the soft colours and interesting patterns make each of them special in different ways.  I love to mix and match the patterns, putting cups with different saucers.  Cake most definitely looks better on a vintage plate.

Tea break!
Of course over the years there have been a few mishaps.  One evening I heard a terrific crash which sounded as if it came from the dining room.  One of the glass shelves in my china cabinet had mysteriously tilted, shuffling all the china to one end.  Miraculously nothing had broken, but my heart was in my mouth as I carefully extracted each piece trying my best not to make the whole thing collapse!

Royal Winton
I no longer collect.  A few years ago, at the height of the vintage tea room trend, the price of vintage china rose dramatically which  was great for charity shops of course, but not so good for me.  I’ve also run out of room!  At the moment many of my treasures are packed away as we redo some of the rooms in our house.  But I have plans!  They’ll be back!

Granny, those hours spent helping you clean out your china cabinet when I was a little girl, made a big impression!

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
You have some beautiful sets and such a wonderful tribute to your Granny.
Vagabonde said…
Your china collection is so pretty. I also love all these old patterns. Your granny would be so pleased to see you collect old china such as hers. Years ago my husband and I went to a bed and breakfast in Louisiana and for breakfast they served coffee or tea in old china cups, each one different. So I started to collect china cups from estate sales, charity shops and more. We used to drink afternoon tea and depending of the tea it would be a different cup. Now I have too many cups and am not sure what to do with them, but some are so pretty. Thanks for coming to my blog.
What a wonderful collection of vintage China you have, Liz! I do agree that cake just looks and even tastes better when presented on a pretty China plate. That episode with the glass shelf must have been nerve wracking! xxx
Margaret said…
I had a lovely wander down memory lane as I read your blog and enjoyed your photos. Your tea cosy matches the Battenburg cake!
Sheila said…
Oh how lovely all your china looks in your cabinet. I wouldn't dare have anything so beautiful in our house as Andy breaks something nearly every day.
You would love the window display at the tea room in our little town at the moment. They have about 100 vintage teacups hanging by invisble thread covering the whole of the window. It looks gorgeous.
Jane said…
Vintage china is so pretty. I used to have an Indian Tree dinner service which I loved. I have my Mum's Arcopal Harlequin cup and saucer set from 1963, which Dad gave to me after Mum passed away. Best, Jane :)
Julie said…
Mention vintage and the price seems to rocket up.
You have a lovely cabinet filled with such delights.
50 and counting said…
The snack/hostess/tennis sets are hard to find. I found two for Christmas gifts. Royal Albert. I knew which patterns were of interest and hunted and found them.

Both people loved them.
I love your beautiful vintage china. I am a big fan too....tea definitely tastes nicer lol! Thanks for sharing your pretties x
Crimson Kettle said…
There are some lovely memories there and some anxious moments too. I particularly like the pretty cup near the plate of battenburg.
Linda P said…
I've inherited china from great aunts and my mother. I have a display cupboard like yours too, but it's full of other small treasures and the vintage tea and coffee sets have been put away
in a dresser. They come out on special occasions. I enjoy going to a local tearoom which has a vintage ambience.
Fiona said…
such pretty china. I do love proper china as opposed to the heavy ones … and even more if it is pretty...
Bucky said…
Lovely vintage china! I love those too, tea tastes best when in an old flower cup. :) It is also very much fun to mix different patterns when setting the table.

I also collected a set of vintage china that I called "granny set". It served well in everyday use since we stayed in a very small apartment and didn´t really have space to store anything much. That´s the thing with collecting stuff..space runs out. :D

My blog is in Finnish but if you want to have a look, here is my granny set: http://i-has-free-time.blogspot.com/2013/08/uusi-mummoastiasto.html
Zaa said…
What a lovely collection and all because of Granny ... I'm sure that she would be proud of all the pretties that you now possess.. It's funny how contagious collecting teacups can be...I too started at a very age and now have way more than I need ...but I love every one of them.. some more than others ( ha Ha)... I do love the green set , as it is so unusual with the sandwich saucer... You don’t see them very often now-a-days. I make it a ritual to go into those cupboards and drawers to pick a new cup for my morning tea..that way the dear little teasets don’t feel neglected ( Hee hee).. This was s a lovely post ..I’ll be back....ENJOY your collection and your week...Hugs
Tanza Erlambang said…
lovely collections.
have a great day
Hi Liz, I have just read your recent posts and enjoyed them very much. We share many interests. I have a dish love and tea cosy thing too. We have two tea pots in use daily. Also loved Shetland. Happy Stitching to you and how’s the kitchen!
Art and Sand said…
And Granny would be so happy that you are following her love of china.
So lovely, Liz! You have a beautiful collection!
Kim said…
Ooh....you have some gorgeous china in your collection. LOVE your new cupboard to display your teacups and other china pretties. I love that your Granny's china inspired you to add to her collection. And may I say, a cake always looks more delicious sitting on a pretty vintage plate.

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