Kitchen finished!

Yipee!  I have my kitchen back!  It is all white and I love it!

After three weeks of the makeshift kitchen (kettle, toaster and microwave), I can now do laundry and cooking - all appliances are back in place.  My hard work then commenced - working out where to put everything I had taken out of cupboards, and of course it all had to be washed before it could be put away.  I'm shattered, but happy.

Rest of house now has to be put to rights - I'm sure I'll be finding bits and pieces of kitchen "stuff" all over the place, but I've loads of cupboard space now.  I've gone very modern - well, for me.  The Welsh dresser will find a new home in the dining room and I'm going to have much less clutter around the worktops.  Well, that's the theory anyway - we'll see if I stick to that one!

While I couldn't cook I discovered that it was the simple things that I craved - a boiled egg, or cheese on toast all hot and bubbly as it came from under the grill.  My first meal cooked in the new kitchen on Friday was a tasty chicken pot pie with ... well it was supposed to be with mash, but I couldn't locate my masher!  It didn't matter, the pie was yummy and so were the ordinary spuds!

Thanks for all your lovely comments on my recent posts - it is so good to hear from you and I appreciate them all.
Love, Liz


Elaine said…
It looks great! Enjoy your beautiful new kitchen - and don't work too hard.
Jane said…
How wonderful to have your new kitchen all finished! I love the pristine white. My kitchen is a long galley type. It has 2 big windows at the same end, but neither seem to let in much light and the far end is always dark. As it's a rented house there's nothing we can do. I recently got John to paint the walls dark chocolate, strangely it makes the kitchen look bigger, brighter and cleaner ( the original magnolia always looked grubby ) Best, Jane x
Kim said…
Ooh.....I love your all white kitchen and LOVE that sink....and the bench tops. Yum....your tasty chicken pot pie sounds rather delicious!
Jules said…
How wonderful to have everything back in one place again. Enjoy your new kitchen. X
Sheila said…
What a beautiful kitchen. I would have said that I wasn't an all white person but seeing yours has really changed my mind. I love it.
Happy cooking in your new space.
It must be a relief to have your kitchen back. It all looks very smart indeed. Surely, putting everything back in is the fun part? xxx
Julie said…
It's lovely and bright, happy cooking!
How beautiful! Enjoy your lovely new kitchen x
mamasmercantile said…
A beautiful kitchen, love the sink very nice...
Crimson Kettle said…
It must be wonderful to be back to normal and how fresh snd clean your new kitchen looks.
Coastal Ripples said…
It’s lovely to get your kitchen back after a remodel. Hope you are inspired to cook lots of new things. B x
OH SO exciting! It looks beautiful, Liz! Can't wait to see more of it!
butterfly said…
Lovely kitchen love the white theme.
My kitchen took weeks to do with having walls taken down .
I thought I would go mad but it was worth it in the end.
Enjoy .
Linda P said…
Enjoy your new kitchen! It looks wonderful and as I've mentioned before it's a great space to work in. Wishing you a good weekend.
Lilbitbrit said…
I expect is great to have all back straight again and more space.
Susanne said…
Oh it does look very inviting to cook in there. I like the nice details on the woodwork and countertop is gorgeous!

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