Cosy Catwalk

Lovely ladies welcome to the Shortbread & Ginger tea cosy catwalk show!  Cue music - "Everything stops for tea", as we welcome to the catwalk this winter's must have accessory - a warm knitted tea cosy!

First to appear is Rusty - cute in beige and warm red, Rusty would be a wonderful addition to any teapot and keep your second cuppa warm while you drink your first.

Next on the catwalk we have Bluey, in blue and grey midtones - an unusual combination that seems to work well.

Bluey and Rusty have joined together to create this stunning creation, which I suppose should be called Busty, but then again, perhaps not!

Cue music - "Tea For Two". 
Adding a touch of class to our show are Lord and Lady Grey, distant cousins of that name synonymous with special tea, the Earl.  Lady Grey is wearing a delicate shade of pink, while his Lordship is right on trend with a modern deep yellow mix.

And finally, to close our show we don't have a bride tea cosy (note to self - might be a good idea to try), but instead we have a gorgeous groom in all shades of grey.  He will add a touch of glamour to any teapot, no matter how homely.  He is a bit two-faced, but the different pattern on each of his sides just adds to his appeal.

This catwalk show would not be complete without an introduction to our wonderful model, Blanche, isn't she beautiful!

Ladies, I hope you have enjoyed the Shortbread & Ginger catwalk show.

Perhaps this blog post should have come with a pom-pom overload warning!
Love, Liz


Jane said…
BRAVO!! What a wonderful show and such imaginative captions! Busty?! LOL Blanche is a delight! Your post really cheered my morning cuppa! I'm afraid John and I drink our tea from mugs, although we do have 2 tea pots and cup and saucer sets. I think it's just easier, or lazier, just to make tea in a mug :/ Best, Jane x
Elaine said…
I would wolf whistle in appreciation, but I don't suppose that is allowed these days! Rapturous applause will have to do. They are lovely.
Kim said…
Fabulous catwalk show of all those pretty tea cosies. Yes, I think most definitely there should be a gorgeous bride thrown into the mix. I particularly love the blue and pale grey beauty, but then, all are fabulous!
mamasmercantile said…
What fun, I really enjoyed the cat walk show.
Julie said…
Your post did make my chuckle today.... they are all so lovely. Blanche is definitely a good model.
Such a cute post, Liz! And your model is adorable, too!
I really enjoyed the tea cosy catwalk and had a good chuckle at your descriptions. Pom-pom overload? Does such a thing exist? xxx
Maggie said…
Love your tea cosies :-) and you can never have too many pom poms lol
Crimson Kettle said…
That's hilarious! Don't they all look gorgeous. 😊
NanaDiana said…
Those are all just darling. I am torn between the blue and creamy white one and the black and white one to pick a favorite. Lovely!!!
Zaa said…
Such a sweet post and such adorable models (ha Ha) We should be shaking our pom-poms for you... what a wonderful talent you have ... I do love tea cozies. Hugs
Vinson Danish said…
This is so good and I love the way you explain tea cosies. I am a big tea lover. I always used to drink loose chamomile tea . And one more thing I really like the wonderful addition to any teapot.

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