My Favourite LP - well, one of them!

This has to be one of my all time favourite LPs.  Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road from 1973.  I think I probably got this for Christmas - or saved up for it!  Oh gosh, I've just realised that was 40 years ago!  How can that be?????

I love it not just for the music, but for the incredible art work.

Its not just the cover that is beautifully illustrated.  Because it was a double LP, it opens out to give all the lyrics and some amazing pictures.

Love this style of art.

Altogether brilliant!

What's your favourite LP art work - if you are old enough to remember LPs, that is!!!!!!!

Love, Liz


Anne said…
I well remember LP's and saving up for them. I dont know if I have one in particular as a favourite but I do love those from the 70's mostly.There was something very special to me about that era.
Rachael said…
The Jeff Wayne War of the Worlds LP is the one that always sticks out for me when you think about the record artwork. I remember my dad having the LP as a child and just being so captured by the artwork (however gruesome it was to a 5 year old). I actually loved the art work to well that I brought the LP for myself last year!
Anne said…
I have that LP too! I remember taking it to uni with me and playing it over and over and over again. I could probably still sing all the songs! :oD
Robyn of Oz said…
Love Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Thanks for reminding us that it has been 40 years. Imagine how poor old Reggie feels! Those songs are still so good though.
One of my favourite albums of the 70s is Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell. I well remember when I bought it and put it on the family stereo. My dad loved it. Mainly because everyone performing could sing. He didn't think much of the album art, but was confused when I explained that Mr Meat grew up in the gospel tradition. My dad has a lovely tenor voice and has always sung in church. He decided that although Mr Meat was a bit strange, he must be a bit okay because of his background.
I will have to go and have a look and see if I still have it. If I haven't, will have to check the adult children. They are very good and helping themselves to interesting stuff we have.
That's one of my favorites, too! Funeral for a friend - such a great song! I still have my Eric Clapton, Layla LP - love the artwork and have it displayed in my bedroom. Good music back in the day, eh? Hugs xo Karen
Meg said…
Rod Stewart " Every Picture Tells a Story" It all folds out.
Connie said…
My very very favorite is "Every Picture Tells A Story" by Rod Stewart. Mandolin Wind. Such a pretty song. Great album cover artwork, too. Ohhhhh I'm sooooo old!
Fiona said…
An iconic LP cover for me is Dark Side of The Moon, still have it and will never tire of it but play the CD version now.
**Anne** said…
My brother had this and I loved it. It's one of my favourites too.
Anne xx
Patricia said…
Oh gosh Liz we have lots of old LPs stashed up in our loft as well as vinyl singles. Too many to pick from but this has given me food for thought and a forage amongst the other junk (I'll re-phrase that) vintage pieces in my loft is on the cards.
Patricia x
This is a fine LP....I might be just same age as you :) I did not have a recordplayer before 1975. Until that I had a tape recorder, not cassette but spool. Then I had to listen to radio Luxemburg and try to hear something to record ;) Those were the days my friend. BTW I was in Black Sabbath's concert last week in Helsinki :)
sky-blu-pink said…
I remember the songs, but not how the LP looked. I still have all my Prince albums, the artwork on them is always dramatic!

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