On A Cold and Frosty Morning

It was a cold and frosty morning, but I wasn't skipping round a mulberry bush!  (You must remember that nursery rhyme.)

I was out taking photographs.  The sun was shining and making even mundane things look absolutely magical!  This is the roof of a bus shelter.  The sun made the frost look like colourful glitter.

The sun reflected off the Clydeport cranes - they looked electric!

Another glorious Greenock day.

Love, Liz

Did you know that a Greenock man, Gilbert Cameron, built the Smithsonian in Washington way back in the 1850s?  You can read about it here.


Jacqui Wise said…
Frosty mornings offer some great opportunities for photos. A little milder down south today but I'm sure the frosts will be with us soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Anne said…
Ours was a bit of a gloomy rainy morning this morning. I dont mind frost, it usually means sun and fine weather later in the day.
sky-blu-pink said…
Wow, great light! I can forgive a cold day if it is sunny!
Erna said…
Seeing the cranes from the Clyde , make me a little homesick...I'm longing for Glasgow..
Anne said…
It's another cold and frosty morning here today. Oh well, at least it's not raining - or snowing!! :oO

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